Going to Five Temples in A Day

in #gems4 years ago

Hello everyone, I would like to share some photos that I took on my activities yesterday. It was a busy day for us since this was a religious holy day for us. Another holy day?? Yes, actually the whole week is a holy celebration on our island. The holiday we celebrate every six months is to thank god for the prosperity blessed upon us. What we do during the day usually we go to pray to different temples and visit our relatives or families.

In this post, I shared some of the photos I took during the day I went to different temples with my family. We started from the village temples, then the family temple, and finally to one of the bigger (public) temple in the evening.

galungan_5.jpg One sign of the Galungan holiday is that you could see decorated bamboos along the roads and streets in Bali.

I started going to the temple in the morning with my family. When we got to the first temple, it was still early.

galungan.jpg The front gate of the first temple we visited.

galungan_2.jpg Early morning, there were not many people in the temple.


galungan_7.jpgSitting cross-legged in the inner yard of the temple to pray.

galungan_9.jpg The third temple we visited located in the middle of a rice farm.


galungan_11.jpg The family temple>

galungan_12.jpg In the midday, we took a rest by the beach.

galungan_13.jpg One of the public temple, called Rambut siwi temple. We were the last one at the temple.


We finished in the evening. We were tired but we had a great time. And, that's all the story of my activities yesterday. Thanks.


A beautiful place.

Thanks. Thanks for coming to my blog.

Great photos!
What a beautiful place!

Thank you. Glad you like it.

Thanks for sharing this is pretty cool to be able to go outside and do stuff everything around here cost something just joking I don't know tramp an apartment😁🌞🌞