Internet dating advice: Know your audience

I entered a discord server and (obviously very provocatively) asked where to promote the new poetry contest ABOUT FEMINIST ANGER
This dude was among the audience. He messaged me within seconds. Names have not been redacted to not protect the entirely lacking in ability to treat a woman as a human person.
Fun times. :/


Word to the wise: DO NOT DO THIS . Not to me--- not to any woman on this blockchain. We're smarter than that. Its a. Waste of time and ego.


This is bad and crazy thing to do..

Thanks for guys like you that treat me with respect. You know i see you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥

I am in a flush.. Lol
Every woman of course deserves respect.

hahaha so over direct that every girl and woman have every days on datings

And boring and dehumanizing--- like would you act like this in real life?

internet dating?
Lima, what happend to you? did you sell this account like feminism did? you use to be about normal stuff not "online dating" and feminism".

Did the cult of inclusiveness get u too?

Should i do like the girl power team said i should do about feminisms account and un sub from the 3rd wave hipocritical feminism cult brainwashing?

Just tell me to unsub and i will but the stuff you use to make before this cancer i enjoyed when it showed up.

Damn cults taking over all the half insane people.
Image result for cults meme

I've always been a feminist and this has happened to me before but this time, it was both gross and also funny. Its advice. You dont have to read it. By the way you clearly ignored that IAM @teamgirlpowa

I give you plenty of patience and respect. I can see past what i see as ignorance and blind labeling. But this is who i am and always have been. You just weren't paying attention. Nama muthafuvkin ste if you dont like it 🌈😍🔥😎🤷‍♀️

nama muthafukin ste.
i hope thats a joke cause it seems to me to be the complete oppsite of namaste.
i try to pay attention but am busy so i miss alot. i have not tried to ignore it, i just have been in a drunk stupor the last year maybe 2.
im thinking about it and i might be recalling talking with you when feminisms account was bought? part of me is thinking it was beanz i was talking to but now im remembering you might have been the main person that paid money for feminisms account. idk any more tbh, last 2 years have been a fast ride of confusion for me.

Do you only post about feminism stuff on this account cause i remember you posting about normal stuff in the past. if your only going to post cult like stuff on this account too let me know as i shouldnt follow. i will only get drunk and say stuff that cult members wont like ( like facts). but if its going to be a mix of evertything with a little feminisn mixed in i can over look the propaganda or atleast try to so i can see the not inclusive marxist divide and conquor stuff.

I know i followed you for a reason and i also know it had nothing to do with a gender based supremacy movement propaganda publication.

i trust your advice at this point as i knopw we have had run ins a couple times, should i unfollow like i did with feminism? im not trying to create more drama and if unfollowing will save you from some madness i will oblige or however its spelled.

also i see i have another reply from you and it asks something about if we were "knocking boots", i smile and laugh a little. im going to be honest with the answer and not in a mean way as some might think thats what i am saying when i say honest. no clue what the full question is but i seen something bout knocking boots and the 7th grader in me started smiling.

will reply and hope the world is good to you. i mean no harm just trying to understand and at the same time express my view of what i see going on. its ok to disagree too. maybe?

cheers and sorry for the book long reply. im a bit drunk and tend to rant when i am.

Also heres the ironic question of the day: if i was your gf and we wuz knockin boots.. would you still be mad at me for calling this bullshit out? Or would you want me to entertain this fuckin dude?


Yeah, this is creepy-gross, and I hate when dudes do this. And yet, it keeps happening... 🤦🏽‍♀️

Because they plug their ears and cry "angry feminist omg!!"

It's so oblivious and dehumanizing and garbage. Like, me existing in your vicinity is not an invitation to chat me up, dudes. It really isn't, I promise.

This is the thing im fine for chatting but he was obviously only interested in figuring out how to get in my e-pants 😂. If you want to chat me up im cool but slow your ass down im not a drivethrough. Its easy to look me up and learn basic details. At that, this is like work for me. So getting this kinda dms where someone is basically asking A/s/l like this is msn pickup site is not only icky, it's annoying AND AGAIN.. it doesn't work. Treat women like humans if after a while of chatting you connect, you can ask about dating/sex/whatever once you earn trust and respect.

Whereas I am, like, demisexual, so a dude who doesn't already have a friendship/relationship with me has just about a 0% chance of getting with me from an unsolicited dm. It's just not gonna happen, so he's wasting both of our time.

Funny but very true as seen on Facebook and many places. I have seen similar things when I chat with different kinds of people from around the world over the past several years or longer. Thanks for sharing. It is funny but also kind of depressing for a few reasons.

Ok I saw the post and thought WTF, seriously? From here and Discord?

And then I read the conversation in the comments and REALLY thought WTF, SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?! 😲

Un-fucking-believable. BTW - love the 'Nama muthafuvkin ste!' 🤣🤣🤣

Yeahp. 😬🙅🏻‍♂️

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