Photo Hunt Contest #11 - New Theme Announcement + #10 Winner Announcement🏆🏆

in #giveaway6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians...

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Photo Hunt Contest #10 #photoquesthunt! Thanks for the amazing amount of support. I am overwhelmed with the responses and so happy to see the best photographs.

Hope to see even more participants from now on..Please spread the contest so that every one can participate and also the winner can get good amount of reward. This can run successfully only by your upvotes.

Let's Take a look at our Entries:

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Winners of Photo Hunt Contest #10 - Theme - Stones/Pebbles are...




Congratulations to the winners!!

Photo Hunt Contest #11 - Theme -Birds



  • Upvote this post
  • Resteem this post
  • Take a creative photograph
  • Create a post With title "Photo Hunt Contest #" and with tag#photoquesthunt and - post the link in the comment section or you can even just Submit your photography work in comment section.
  • Last date to submit is Till the post payout
  • Only Original Works accepted.
  • Follow above rules to qualify as a participant.
  • Most creative Photograph wins the contest...

This week's contest will be awarded with 2 SBD. 3 winners will be selected and divide the prize money.If this post gets good response, the winners can receive bonus reward from my side.

Again a big thanks to everyone who participated!!



Congratulations to all the winners! My entry
Click on image for a better view!

Thank you so much!!! I truly appreciate being chosen and thank you for the prize money!
Off to find a bird!
eSteem Curators

Always welcome my friend:)

May I keep using my wonderful photocircle banner even though the contest is over?

sorry I dint understand?

Ha that's because I posted that comment in the wrong place! My mistake. Just ignore me!

hahaha... its ok friend:)

Thank you for the entry:) have a great day:)

This is my 1. entry for the Photo Hunt Contest: theme BIRDS

Seagull in Rom

Click on the image:

This photo, for some reason is my favorite

Congrat to all winners

Here's ny official entry.

CategoryBird Photography
LocationLa caridad Farm
DeviceNikon D3400
Focal lenght55.00mm
Exposure time1/1000s
Flashno flash

Theme is birds

Oopps sorry. I will change it. Hehe

Posted using Partiko Android

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Congrats to the winners! And to all the entries, they are amazing! I'm in for this edition, just have to pick a photo :))! Resteemed, @photoquest!

Here is my bird! Photo taken at the Port Douglas Zoo, in Cairns, QLD, Australia :). I don't know his name, but he was this beautiful. The game of light and shadows really favored this guy's beautiful feathers!

bird, Australia.jpg

is that not a blue crane @nolasco? nice photo!

Is there! I have no idea, I was googling it and in the images I've seen they have no these feathers on the head...
Thanks, sweetie!

whatever this bird is called does not matter, we will call it "beautiful"!

Agree, sweetie! Beautiful he is! Mwah!

I think it may be a grey heron

Nice shot @nolasco. Bird looks like a Great Blue Heron. We have them here on PEI and I often see them wading in the ocean water looking for fish.

Really? I had no idea, but I got fascinated by its wonderful blue color! Thanks for telling me, my friend!

There certainly were some amazing photographs for the contest! @photoquest You had your work cut out for you.
Congratulations to the winners!

Felicidades a los ganadores, muy buenas elecciones. Gracias al amigo @photoquest por el apoyo.

Thanks for the entry... Follow rules to qualify as a participant.

thank you so much @photoquest for selecting my image, I am so surprised, there were so many good entries. Congrats to all of you as well!

Yeah all the entries were awesome.. And I found yours a simple but cute and effective photograph:) Thank you for the participation:)

thank you for the compliment, and you are very welcome

Hi @claudiaz, Cute and exotic bird "Tucan"

yes they are stunning indeed @maxili63

Hey @photoquest!
Thank you for creating this amazing contest. ♥
Here is my entry #1.

Thanks for your time. ☺

Congratulations to all those amazing winning photos!

Here is my first entry for photoquest #11 Theme BIRDS

Roadside Hawk


Nice entry:) Please follow few rules to be a participant

ok sorry @photoquest - I have upvoted and resteemed now. Love your photo contest!!

Thank you very much for the support:)

Here is my latest entry for the competition #11 theme BIRDS

It's going to be a tough competition - but here's my submission...


Thanks for doing this contest!