Why It All Matters

in #government7 years ago

There is so much going on in the world, and most of it is unknown. The 6 or 7 major corporations that own everything and produce most of the products we buy, and the news we watch, make sure that we only hear the propaganda they produce. The reality of our Gov't, and its dealings with other Countries is hard to face. But if you dig deep enough, you will find the truth. This is what I spend most of my time doing these days. I search the web for the truth, and research as much as I can. Don't believe anything you hear, until you research it yourself. The lies that have infiltrated our education systems, news outlets, and the internet are abundant. Every day I find out just how much we have been lied to by our mainstream media. The reason they tell us lies is to keep us happy, and them in control, while they slowly take away our freedoms and rights as citizens on the planet. I don't doubt that in a few years, the USA will be much like North Korea, unless we fight for our rights, and know who is the true enemy. I know now that our true enemy is the Clinton Foundation and its Army. They have stolen from every Government they can. They launder money to fund their Army across the world in an attempt to be in the ultimate control of our Earth and it's resources. Clinton, Soros, and many other in the US Government are behind this 'Clinton Initiative'. An INITIATIVE that seeks the ultimate power and control. How do we stop them? I believe we can, but only if we educate ourselves by researching. Don't believe what you hear from their News outlets like CNN, ABC, CBS, etc., but look for yourself. Unless you are incredibly stupid, you will see just how close we came to utter domination by this INITIATIVE, and the Clinton Army. My hope is that Trump is not one of them, and will fight them with us to make our Nation smart again, not the stupid, easily led sheep we have become by listening to the many lies fed to us over the years. Will Clinton and Company ever been put in Prison? I doubt it. But maybe we will overcome the damage Clinton and Company have done.