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RE: Gridcoin Leisure Update 4.0.1 Released

in #gridcoin6 years ago

I quit GRC mining more than about a month ago considering it is not profitable enough compared to other means of generating BTC and altcoins. Can you tell me some justified reasons to mine GRC again?!


You don't mine GRC. You crunch science on BOINC. GRC is just a gift. Try to think of it that way instead.

How can I justify running BOINC? Do you care about any of the BOINC projects? That's your justification. You can help find a cure to childhood cancer or HIV, map the galaxy, do really complex math, or several other things. If contributing your compute power to such tasks is not what interests you, then have your machine do something else.

GRC is nothing (literally) without BOINC. If you don't wand to run BOINC, don't consider GRC. But if you love BOINC and all that it can do, then the Gridcoin community would love to have you back on board.

Is there more to cryptocurrency than a get-rich-quick scheme? Thats the fundamental question.

If you really believe in crypto-currency as a future for humanity; as a mechanism of fair distribution of that currency, would you rather spend your energy making useless hashes, or curing childhood cancers?

If you just want to get-rich-quick; I wish you good luck, but you may be disappointed with BTC in the long run.

well, a big reason is the use of energy for health research so better life.. on this way, GRC value should be over BTC or other money. Also ByteBall coin will pay throught world community grid for contribution to boinc projects. Pity that many projects are CPU and less with GPU.

It's all about science and I like to think it's our way of making a donation to useful research like cancer or zika. GRC reward is just the cherry on the cake on top of being to my knowledge one of the only "healthy" and non polluting crypto. Doesn't it feel good to do something useful and being rewarded for it ?