Hey everyone,
I'm happy to announce that Gridcoin now has an open-source block explorer that you can run yourself, available on the official Gridcoin repo: https://github.com/gridcoin-community/BlockExplorer
If you're going to set up this explorer, I highly recommend using the autonode script to install/set up a wallet; it does all the legwork for you.
FYI, the initial importing of blocks into MongoDB will take a considerable amount of time.
If you want to see what it looks like, here's mine in action: http://GRCexplorer.NeuralMiner.io/
It currently runs in an Azure Standard D2s_v3 (2 vcpus, 8 GB memory) instance. I would suggest those specs as the absolute bare minimum (mine even runs a little slow at times).
If you have any questions, issues, or ways to improve the code, please feel feel to contact me or create an issue/PR on GitHub. I'm almost always available on the Gridcoin Discord (https://discord.gg/jf9XX4a), Slack/Rocket, or maybe even passing through your local grocery store.
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I will have to see how it likes 192gb vs 8 then
The bottleneck is CPU, not memory; I'm currently only using 3 GB on one of the explorers. The more CPU you can throw at it during the import, the better. It calms down quite a bit after the import is complete.