It seems to me that I need to streamline the build of these small acoustic/electric guitars. They take too long to make otherwise, and thus not making them "good for business" so to speak.
I decided to take a step back and work on tooling. Not to say I'm going to ever become a production builder, but if I can pump out two guitars a month via these "cheats" then it's irresponsible not to do so.
Got lucky, I have to say. I was able to score a lot of mdf from one of the houses here in the farm. It's getting remodeled and an old piece of furniture was on the list to get rid off. Now it will live a good life as tooling for my shop.
In case you are wondering, yes, MDF is expensive down here. Wood is cheap, but plywood, mdf and it's cousins can kill your purse like no other.
I hope to be showing the boxes in the process of being closed this week, but alas, this apparent slowdown was needed.
Those guitars are looking cool. I like the offset soundhole. Does the position affect the sound much? I assume everything has some effect, but whether it's good or bad may be subjective.
It seems strange that the 'fake' woods are more expensive than the real thing. Are they all imported?
Keep up the cool work.
as you say, the fake woods are all imported, trees, I got tons of them around me.
I dont know how much the sound will be affected by the soundhole, but Ovation has been placing theirs around there for a while, and I can't say it ever bothered me. I guess we will see.
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