What was behind school shootings and other shootings, on average? What is a deeper root, cause, reason, behind violence, in part? Are guns the only thing that kills people or do people kill people? Are assault weapons the cause or are drugs behind violence, more so, normally speaking?
School shooters were taking drugs from Big Pharma, from doctors, usually that is. But which prescription drugs were they on and how long were they on it? There is a difference between causation and correlation in regards to crime, to problems, statistically speaking, historically speaking. In other words, we are often too distracted with correlations that are not causations to and of a problem. We want to blame guns for example.
How many times have guns saved people? Look up history and make a contrast between what happens in gun-free zones and gun zones. Is there more gun violence in gun zones? No. The opposite is true, generally with a few exceptions. Most people are not aware that gun-free Chicago has more gun related deaths, murders, suicides, and Texas is so much safer. Whether we like it or not, guns are part of the American constitution or of the bill of rights.
The United States were (not was, as local states as opposed to federalism,corporatism) founded with the freedoms of speech, religion, press, property, and arms (guns), and guns are there for hunting and for protection against criminals both foreign and domestic. And domestic means people in the country including the government itself. If you do not like that, you can leave America and go to Australia. As kid, I was home taught, schooled, by my mother. People told my mom to give me and her other kids drugs, medicine, especially Ritalin, but my mom decided to keep us kids away from too many drugs. You can know that was the better choice on average.
Prohibition Fail
2018-02-15 Thursday 11:30 AM LMS: Shootings Caused by Guns or Drugs?
Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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My name is Joey Arnold, the original oatmeal, from Oregon. I'm for smaller government, less taxes/ regulations/ bad laws, more freedoms. I'm all for family values, community, nationalism, patriotism, freedoms of speech religion, arms, property, press, privacy, sovereignty, borders, decentralized free markets, cryptocurrencies, blockchain networks, Bitcoin, Steem, Gab, Minds, and capitalism over crony capitalism, technocracy, tyranny, corporatism, monopolism, plutocracy, oligarchy, progressive liberalism, socialism, communism, democrats, and I do hate Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Oprah of depopulation Agenda 21 programs, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, Walmart, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Bilderberg, NWO, EU, UN, NAU, CFR, and more. I'm big fans of the following:
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Hey Oatmeal!! Hope all is well today. I have a few words about this subject. As far as the drugs that parents put their kids on, I know many times, is necessary for the child, but more times than not, its simply a lazy parent's way to quiet these children. I only have one, he's 20, I knew almost instantly that he would be my one and only. Being responsible to raise a little human to be a good, productive member of society proved to be the biggest challenge I've ever faced. I did it though, and I did it the right way, with the help of my husband and my family, and by discipline, and my god, it was not easy. Drugs, to me, was never even an option. I did not "child proof" my home, he learned what not to touch. He learned the proper use of a gun as soon as he was old enough to hold one. He knows the consequences of using a gun irresponsibly. I've never sheltered him, he got brutal truth about firearms. We have a huge mental health problem in this country, and until we get that under control, things like this will happen. Parents are not parents anymore, they want to be friends with their kids, and that doesn't benefit the child in the slightest. Now, in light of yesterday's shooting, that child had some problems, it was all over the place, and the losses that he suffered, probably contributed to that. Sometimes we have those that just snap, and sometimes, there's nothing you can do to stop it. The only thing I'm 100% sure of, laws... are only made for the people that follow them. Tightening gun laws, will only make it worse for law abiding people, people who want to kill will do so no matter what the law says.
Agreed, your parenting was great. I want less taxes and less drugs. It is good for children to slowly grow up as kids instead of being maybe dropped off at 18. It takes baby steps. We do better with more of the older values, traditional family values. Teachers can be trained better to help. And they can control who comes in and out of schools better too. Teachers should have guns. Teachers can care more than the police in the schools, generally. There may have been multiple shooters.
Thanks Oatmeal. And yes I also agree with you that teachers should learn gun safety and should be able to carry firearms to protect the kids, or have more security at the schools. No parent should be afraid of sending their children to school. I saw a little article about the possibility of another shooter but I haven't seen anything else to confirm that.
The FBI knew about the killers before they went off to kill. This happens again and again. And the FBI and others steal our tax dollars or worse.
Good work i really appreciate your work thanks for the enlightment. drugs are dangerious and harmfull guns should br handelled properly
Should teachers be trained in using guns?
Some great point there! Big pharma drugs are seriously strong, and have monstrous affects...
for sure
I disagree about the gun ban as that was the person who did the killings not the gun itself. People kill even before the invention of gun, thus it will be unwise to blame the gun as the cause of murder and yeah, I agree teacher should be taught to use gun for their own protection.
The FBI knew who the killer was. The killer called himself the school shooter and that he was going to kill everybody for weeks or longer and the FBI could have stopped. At least one teacher died trying to save students. The FBI knew about the Vegas shooter before 2017 October First happened. So, guns are tools like the Internet. Globalists were trying to use the Internet to control us and worse. Globalists do so many bad things. We make the world better as we expose the bad people and talk about better ideas and more.
They had been warned before but they just ignored it. They could have prevented the shooting if they took the warning seriously.
Can we take down FBI corruption and live without it or maybe reform the FBI?
How many shooters were there in Florida on Valentines 2018? Only one or more?
At least two (link) but I couldn't find further info about the identity of the second shooter, maybe you could help.
One student, Jalen Martin, was talking about it on Info Wars.
Thanks, the truth is terrifying.
This looks like a great post! I totally agree that banning guns does not solve any problems and that the US puts way too many kids on drugs.