You do realize that the war will continue until you either make a radical change (for instance, decline payouts) or actually leave Steemit? - All the hatred is building up rapidly and you continue to pour gasoline on the fire by behaving like you do.
If you made 10 posts per day while earning $0.02 in the past. Why don't you change your behaviour and approach and still earn a shit load of money on a daily basis? (By reducing the number of posts or decline payouts for instance.)
I am sorry. I actually liked this genuine letter from you, but you continue to look greedy as fuck... And that's the whole reason for this war.
If you reduce the posts or decline payouts on 50% of your posts, you would still earn more per day on average, than what many people makes in a month on their 9-5 jobs. And, the war would stop.
The memes and all the "racist" comments would vanish from your blog and people would leave you alone... But that doesn't seem to be something you're interested in. And that's the perfect example of a greedy person who doesn't care about anything but themselves.
This war will continue because you are selfish and greedy. And the worst part is, that you don't seem to realize that you bring nothing but more hatred towards you and your blog.
Change your behaviour and be grateful for what Steemit have given you before it's too late for all of us.
What amazes me is that you really think that way. Probably you do live a double-standards life and do not understand why your life is like that.
It makes sense that you face the life teacher like Haejin.
I do not hope that you get my message right now, but I hope that some day you get it and it is not going to be too late. 🙏
you didn't explain why either defender or accuser are in the right or wrong
I'm learning to not judge people, because that is useless and there is no such thing as being right or wrong. It's their opinion and I can only like it or not.
how can you tell if you like an opinion without judging it first?
This is what you missed - judging people and judging opinion are two different things.
A person can use whatever image he wants for his avatar. I trust in charts, opinion and the result it gives me.
Why do you consider it appropriate to put quotes around the word racist? That suggests you don’t consider it to be racist. Have you seen the images and memes? There is no question.
I truly don’t care about the reward pool one way or another because it is irrelevant to the vast majority of users even if they don’t realize it yet. I do, however, feel strongly that a “community” that accepts racism is not one that is worthy of being saved. That the only way to do anything about it is to mute the offenders only makes it worse actually. We can all pretend it isn’t happening.
I'm going to keep upvoting @haejin..... He posts good content..... I'd probably upvote you too, if you posted good content
So, are you saying there is a maximum any one STEEMian should be allowed to make per day?
If the people believe he is getting upvotes through automated voting and bots, then let's get the Steem API fixed so that NO ONE can use automated voting and bots.
Very good suggestion! 👍
the people don't believe it, they see it with their own eyes

it's an alt-account actually
I honestly do not use duplicate or alt accounts. I honestly do not have a voting ring of members voting for me. These are false.
You have one very powerful person voting for you. You know that is what everybody is talking know it. Yet, when the situation comes up, you always deflect...always. For once, can we just focus on the one issue that is central to everything else that is going on? Can we acknowledge the actions that started this whole war and that are still going on today? Can we not run away from it and finally, for once, just speak directly about that singular subject, like men? Please?
I just want to end this, and frankly, I'm very surprised that you don't.
Okay. So? Is it a bot?
I don't think you know how computers over the internet works.
You are supposed to be the technical person on Steemit and you don't know about API application keys? You don't know how to add anti-bot checks to the upvote so that 99% of bots are blocked? So, you don't think between having approved application keys and a human check, that Steem couldn't eliminate almost all of the bots?