🤕 The Haejin Effect - Backwards Thinking?

in #haejin7 years ago (edited)

So funny enough I really haven't been paying attention to the @Haejin drama as much nor have I paid attention to most of his calls lately...and I've been following him since he was making $2 or less per post.

Life has just been busy, but in a good way!  

But today I saw a post by @buggedout about Haejin that I really liked!

His article here: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@buggedout/is-haejin-a-guru-or-a-quack-let-s-find-out

Essentially he said why not test out how accurate Haejin is or isn't?!  I fully support that not only for Haejin but for any TA person.

I've learned my lesson and NEVER throw money any more at someone spouting off TA tips without research.

But it started to get me thinking again, it seems to be that both parties just don't understand each other and maybe we're looking at it all wrong.

If I can speak for both parties - I'll try to do my best to keep it as accurate as possible, I'd say that we're all wanting the same thing in the end: 

AKA Steemit to succeed and be an AWESOME social platform for the years to come.

I don't think anyone from Bernie to Haejin would disagree with that statement.  (Or at-least I'd hope not)

But are we really arguing about the right thing?


Bernie Support Points:

  • He's raping the reward pool
  • Calls aren't worth what the payout is
  • Anyone could do well in this market
  • People are blindly following him

I'll agree with some of those points to a certain extent.  Some do blindly follow.  Maybe some posts are over voted because people realize they'll get rewards for up-voting his trending posts and maybe he's gotten lucky on some calls.

Haejin Legion Points:

  • Who cares what he gets paid out
  • I can up-vote who I want
  • His calls are making me money
  • Why do you want to hurt someone helping others out

Again, I'll agree with some of these points.

Those are all things I've actually read from others around Steemit commenting on Haejin's stuff.

But here is where I think we fail.  

We're focusing on the people Bernie VS Haejin or fill in _______ VS Haejin.

That's backwards in this situation I think.  It should be: 

Steemit Structure Vs Steemit User X 


Elliott Wave Theory Vs Skeptics 

(Possibly could have used a better word rather than skeptics, but couldn't think of a better one at the time lol)

Think about it this way.  Haejin isn't the only person making a ton of money in up-votes.  There are dozens more close to making what he's making.

So if it is true that the rest of us Steemians should be concerns about the payouts, then we should be concerned about all "Haejinish" Steemit users.  

Not trying to take a spotlight off of Haejin, but trying to put it onto the real issue.

We or the "powers that be" in Steemit should pull together to try and "revamp" the system for the survival of Steemit.

Because let's be honest, a Haejin 2.0 will come around 6 months from now or a year from now and we'll have the same convo IF the system truly needs to be fixed.

Basically saying - if the Bernie Sanders side is correct, let's "fix the well not the tap".


On the flip side you have what I call "Elliott Wave Theory VS Skeptics".

I keep hearing people say "anyone could throw a dart up and win right now" and I won't lie it's ALMOST TRUE lol...not completely though.

But why are we arguing over Haejin and his "fundamentals don't matter" (He says EWT ignores news and only cares about price or so I thought he said in his tutorial) and get all angry?  

Why aren't we focusing on the Elliott Wave Theory (Principles) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliott_wave_principle

Either we think the principle is sound and works more than it doesn't work (nothing is perfect) or we think it's a bunch of crap.

IF we think it's a valid TA approach then we need to start focusing on whether or not Haejin is even using it properly!

I've yet to hear anyone complain about Elliott Wave Theory and how valid it is or isn't.  I've only heard people complain about Haejin.  Why?

If he's using the EWT incorrectly then yeah by all means someone call him out! (NO please call him out cause I'm still learning EWT and I don't know enough to call him out or not lol)

But if he's using EWT correctly then people are mad at the way the system is setup to pay out, not at Haejin.

Yes one could argue for the benefit of the platform don't make as many calls to get paid out as much - fine, but let us dissect everything properly before we burn someone at the stake.

I think we have to answer as a community these questions:

  • Should the payout system as a whole be adjusted?  
    • If yes - how so?
  • Does Elliott Wave Theory actually work?
  • Is Haejin actually using it correctly?
  • Does it really matter how much people post?

So I'll leave you with these points which I think really covers how the communities feels on both sides:

  • If the majority of the people think Haejin's payouts are a problem then it's a bigger issue than Haejin that we need to solve.  You can go down a list of people getting paid out close enough to him.
  • We need to focus on whether or not Elliott Wave Theory is bogus or legit and move to the next step.
  • Someone needs to verify is Haejin is actually using EWT properly.

To give my own answers/solutions to the issues above:

  • You could always limit X amount of posts/day that get payouts and the rest you forfeit awards. (Though I'm personally not in favor of this, but it is a "semi-solution".  It seems to be it's not the payout of his calls (I've seen higher) it's the rapidity of his calls times X payout that seem to bother people.
  • I've seen enough TA people who seem to have high followings outside of Steemit use Elliott Wave Theory so for me personally I think it has some validity or so far it seems that way.
  • We should NEVER stop questioning people who give us "financial advice" otherwise you'll lose all your money.
  • I really wish someone who had better knowledge than me would analyze his calls to "give a 2nd opinion" about how much they match up with EWT or not.

Again I know this post will probably sound like I'm saying, "let's focus on the sin not the sinner", but I really think people have let their emotions go on this without coming up with viable solutions and a clear direction to fix OR move on from the situation.

Just my 3 cents :P

As always, comments and opinions are welcome for sure because I surely don't get Haejin Style Payouts LOLLLL 🤣🤣🤣🤣



i think possibly what angers bernie the most is the frequency, payout amount and the fact the content is worthless at payout.

when i say the content is worthless at payout i mean it has no use to anybody at the time it pays out. Perhaps it has use or worth when he posts his analysis but not 1 week later.

Yeah I understand what you're saying and you're probably right in your assessment of Bernie's feelings.

I don't necessarily agree with all the anti stuff floating around, but I feel like I'm open minded and reasonable enough to at least try and understand both sides of the coin. 👍