it's also everyone else's and they have the right to object to how it is dispersed. There are two sides to the argument ... accepting that both sides have to exist could end this instead of creating an ongoing war of attrition
So, when everyone is paying not just those upvoting, you can't really call it a free service. That's the point, someone is paying thus it isn't free
It would be different if this Bernie Sanders guy did not attack everyone that does not agree with him. He name calls and belittles those that don't see things his way, damages them by downvoting them removing any and ALL EARNINGS. So to @BernieSanders NO THERE ARE NOT TWO SIDES. Only his side.
And on the second part of your comment I don't completely agree with your primise but guess what . I am not some petulant asshole that is going to downvote you for your opinion I actually upvoted you it because you are at least willing to have a dialogue about it.
But Bernie is a classless bully that cares not to discuss things and try to come to some agreement on how to work this out to everyone's benefit.
He goes in a tirade and hurts everyone instead of trying to have an open talk.
I'll let you in on a very good point. The last time I checked steemit didn't even had 50K active users. If there are 50K active users and a person gets a $500 payout, everyone is loosing a penny. A $5000 is 10 cents. Why fight a war for 10 cents? Because redistribution!

I get that you're angry at getting downvoted when you're trying to have a discussion. You're human like the rest of us.
You'll not see me ever claim diplomat status for bernie. He's hot headed even if he's trying to protect the platform. I also get that he's taking a lot of heat in trying to do so. Not an excuse for being a hothead but it does contribute to keeping the heat up.
I'e also seen haejin and his followers on nasty tirades at not just bernie but others. Hell, my comments have been downvoted, I've been muted, called names, threatened and, I've not been involved in the downvoting.
All that heat only feeds a very unproductive fire and loses sight of the actual issues and the impact on the platform.