I have had so many obligations these days and wasn't active here. Due to the lack of time I didn't take care of health and what i eat. Now, I have no voice or I have one like Scarlett Johansson. :) Immunity has fallen, and the weekend now definitely will not be properly exploited.
I will share with you a recipe for strengthening the immune system.
You need only two ingredients. Maybe you already have those things in your kitchen. First one is honey, it does not matter which one, you can use meadow or acacia honey.
The second thing is ginger.
Peel it and chop it into small pieces and put in a jar of honey.
It is recommended to take two tablespoons of the magic potion and try not to drink water. I believe there is a limit in use, but you can take it in the morning and before sleep. Be free to write if you know more about it.
There is no need to talk about how healthy are honey and ginger, our grandmothers kept telling us that.
Do not wait for something to happen to you to understand what health is and what is youth.
Be well!
There's nothing better than alternative medicine and home made potion :D
only domestic :D
Већ сам добио овај рецепт однекуд, ал' где да нађем овде ђумбир, @divisionbell?
Осим тога, треба да напишеш и која је дневна доза. Ја сам у рецепту добио релативно детаљно упутство колико тога треба узимати и у којим временским интервалима.
ah, pa ja nemam te podatke, znam da je mera pri jednom uzimanju dve kasike. za med verujem da ogranicenja nema, ali bih def mogla da se raspitam. ali kao sto se uzima med ujutru pre/posle dorucka, verujem da je upotreba i ove imuno bombe slicna :)
djumbira ima u vecim marketima, bar u glavnom gradu. (moram da priznam da u nesto manjim varosicama ili povecim gradovima covek tesko pronalazi odredjene namirnice i to me u neku ruku ljuti, kao nizi stalez) konkretno ovaj na slici je kostao 65din a masa mu je 130g
U poslednje vreme ima svuda da se kupi. I u piljarama! U DISu ima uvek @lighteye! 😉
Ovo cu bas probati da napravim. Ja samo pijem limunov sok, treba mi jos neki vitamin sem C. :D
kad kazes limunov sok, mislis na iscedjen limun al bez vode, kao limunada bez vode? do sada sam praktikovala samo propolis, al ocito je da sam i na njega zaboravila, kad mi se ovo desava xD
Iscedjen limun sa veoma malo vode, to kad popijem budem kao nov. Pio sam i propolis jedno vreme, takodje zaboravio na njega. :D
upravo sam primenila tvoj recept, mada sam cula da nije dobro za zube, zab sam sto :)
Hm, znam da postoje neke fore za izbeljivanje zuba sa limunom i sodom, mada ne znam sto bi to bio problem kada se samo popije. Ne treba da se mucka u ustima. :D
ne znam, al sam svejedno popila bez vode....kiselo a joj :D
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