Detoxify your Pineal Gland

in #health6 years ago

Meditation is as important as food.

11 Powerful Supplements to Detoxify Your Pineal Gland, Boost Brain Power and Increase Vitality
by Scott Jeffrey

In the last guide, we explored what the pineal gland does and how it tends to get calcified through various chemicals in our modern environment.

Due to these synthetic substances, the pineal gland tends to function improperly.

A calcified pineal gland impairs our sleep, cognitive abilities, reaction time, judgment, perception, and performance.

If you’re interested in psychological development and actualizing more of your potential, the pineal gland is important.

Why? Because when the pineal isn’t functioning properly, our perception is limited.

With limited perception, our minds are closed, reducing opportunities for internal growth.

Table of Contents

A Pineal Gland Detox (An Arteries Detox Too)
How to Select Pineal Gland Supplements
11 Research-Supported Pineal Gland Supplements
Pineal Gland Supplement #1: Iodine
    How to Take Iodine
Pineal Gland Supplement #2: Chaga Mushrooms
Pineal Gland Supplement #3: Turmeric
Pineal Gland Supplement #4: Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Pineal Gland Supplement #5: Tamarind
Pineal Gland Supplement #6: Activator X 
    How to Take Activator X
Pineal Gland Supplement #7: Raw Cacao
Pineal Gland Supplement #8: Shilajit
Pineal Gland Supplement #9: Fulvic Acid
Pineal Gland Supplement #10: Boron
Pineal Gland Supplement #11: Green Superfoods
How to Start with Your Pineal Gland Detox
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A Pineal Gland Detox (An Arteries Detox Too)

In general, calcification in the body is a precursor to cancer, heart disease, and other common diseases as we age.

For example, to determine if someone has or is getting a brain tumor, technicians use MRI and PET scans to evaluate the level of calcification. The same goes for other parts of the body.

Taking decalcifying foods and supplements don’t just support proper pineal gland functioning, they promote:

Healthy blood cells,
Enhanced cognition, and
Increased vitality.

So by doing a pineal gland detox with specific foods and supplements reviewed below, you’re not only supporting your pineal function, you’re nourishing your blood as well as other glands and organs (including your heart).

You don’t need to consume all of the following pineal gland detox supplements.

Select the ones that resonate with you and then experiment with them for several months.

Quick Reference Sheet for this Guide (PDF)
How to Select Pineal Gland Supplements

Ultimately, we are each a random sample of one. Meaning our unique biological framework is different than any “industry average.”

What’s best for one person isn’t necessarily best for you.

So the responsibility falls on each of us—not our physicians or “industry experts”—to determine what we need.

(That said, if you’re on any medications, it’s a good idea to check with your physician before taking certain supplements.)

Our own biological system can be our guide. But first, we need to tune in and listen to what our bodies are telling us.

Internal listening is often challenging because we’ve been conditioned to make decisions with our minds based on our prior “education” and conditioning.

In Toward a Psychology of Being, Maslow writes:

“Humans no longer have instincts in the animal sense, powerful, unmistakable inner voices which tell them unequivocally what to do, when, where, how and with whom.”

Maslow’s observations about humans’ disconnection from instincts are accurate.

But it need not be this way. We have the opportunity to reforge our minds with our bodies. It just requires us to slow down enough and pay attention inwardly.

I provide several guides to support this inward listening to the body, as it’s something I regularly practice as well.

How to Center Yourself
How to Ground Yourself
How to Stand and Feel the Energy in Your Body

Also, be sure to check out The Mastery Method: Activate Your Higher Potential for a fast and effective method that synthesizes the practices above.
11 Research-Supported Pineal Gland Supplements

First, I’m supposed to say something you already know: Nothing in this article should be misconstrued as medical advice.

What follows is a list of supplements with scientifically-proven benefits that support decalcification, toxin removal, and tissue renewal.

When applicable, I’ve included the pineal gland supplements I take.

As I research and experiment with others, I’ll add them to this guide.

(Disclaimer: many of the products recommended below have affiliate links.)
Pineal Gland Supplement #1: Iodine

Iodine is a mineral found in sea vegetables like seaweed or kelp.

This vital mineral assists the thyroid gland in regulating hormones and is one of the most efficient removers (chelators) of heavy metals from the body.

Iodine chelates heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum as well as fluoride.

According to Dr. Mark Siccus:

“Iodine intake immediately increases the excretion of bromide, fluoride, and some heavy metals including mercury and lead. Bromide and fluoride are not removed by any other chelator or detoxifying technique.”

When you begin researching the harmful effects of fluoride exposure, it’s difficult not to learn about iodine.

By most accounts, iodine is an essential supplement of any pineal gland detox.

While seaweed is a mainstay of an Asian diet, in the West, we’re mostly iodine deficient.
How to Take Iodine

The easiest way to increase your iodine intake is through iodine supplementation and the consumption of kelp and algae-related foods.

iodine best supplement for energy

For most people, the best option is LL’s Magnetic Clay Nascent Iodine.

However, J.Crow’s Lugol’s Iodine Solution has been around for over a century. Lugol’s iodine is useful if you need to take large doses transdermally (topically on your skin).

Note: Increasing your iodine intake can reduce your calcium levels, so be sure to eat calcium-rich foods like broccoli, kale, almonds and flax seeds when you’re taking iodine supplements.

Regarding dosage, see this article by Siccus.

Try to purchase seaweed/kelp from Icelandic sources. This region is the furthest from Fukushima and therefore is said to have the least radiation from the nuclear reactor explosion.

We use Organic Raw Icelandic Kelp Powder Blend from Maine Coast Sea Vegetables when we cook. I also periodically take Oregon’s Wild Harvest Organic Kelp capsules for additional supplementation.
Pineal Gland Supplement #2: Chaga Mushrooms

The Chinese call it the “King of Plants.” In Siberia, it’s the “Gift from God.” And for the Japanese, it’s the “Diamond of the Forest.”

Not bad for wood-rotting fungus!

Hundreds of scientific studies have demonstrated potent effects of the Chaga mushroom on the immune, hormonal, and central nervous systems.

Studies in Finland and Russia found that Chaga is an efficient anti-tumor agent as well as antiviral.

Chaga provides us with phytochemicals, nutrients, and melanin. Melanin provides the pigment for our skins, hair, and eyes.

The pineal gland uses melanin to help shield us from UV light.

From my research, the Siberian Chaga appears to be the most potent with the highest recorded levels of antioxidants according to the ORAC Scale.

The most effective (and traditional way) of ingesting Chaga is in tea. It comes packaged in chunks (looks and feels like tree bark).

You can steep it in chunks, but I was instructed to grind it into a powder first. (I use a coffee grinder.)

chaga mushroom pineal gland

Here’s a link to Sayan Siberian Raw Chaga Mushroom Chunks.

If you’re looking for something more convenient, Sayan also makes a Siberian raw Chaga tea with unbleached tea bags.

Preparation: Steep in hot water in a covered mug for 45 minutes.
Pineal Gland Supplement #3: Turmeric

Turmeric is another excellent supplement for your pineal gland detox.

This study in Pharmacogn Magazine shows that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can prevent and potentially reverse the damage from fluoride exposure.

The study concludes:

“Supplementation with curcumin significantly reduce the toxic effect of fluoride to near normal level by augmenting the antioxidant defense through its scavenging property and provides evidence of having therapeutic role against oxidative stress mediated neurodegeneration.”

I use SuperPure Organic Turmeric Extract by Pure Synergy (an excellent brand).turmeric pineal gland supplement

For cooking, you can use fresh turmeric (it looks like ginger) or try Indus Organics Turmeric (Curcumin) Powder.

To get the most benefit from turmeric, pair it with Bioperine, found in freshly-ground black pepper.

Many turmeric supplements on the market include both like USDA Organic Turmeric Curcumin Supplement by NativaOrganics.
Pineal Gland Supplement #4: Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar is a natural metal detoxifier.

The malic acid in raw apple cider vinegar detoxifies heavy metals while its natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes replenish your body with necessary nutrients.

Malic acid binds with toxins and helps the body eliminate them more efficiently.

Apple cider vinegar also helps cleanse the lymph nodes to allow better lymph circulation necessary for removing toxins and improving your immune response—excellent for your pineal gland detox.

apple cider vinegar pineal gland supplement

Make sure you get “raw” apple cider vinegar and that it comes in a glass, not plastic bottle.

The most well-known and trusted brand is Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.

I always keep a few bottles of Bragg’s in the house. It’s an excellent product, useful for tons of healing remedies (and salad dressing).
Pineal Gland Supplement #5: Tamarind

One study and a follow-up study from the early 2000s demonstrated that tamarind increased the excretion of fluoride in urine compared to the control group.

The researchers believe tamarind may even be able to reverse the effects of skeletal fluorosis caused by ingesting fluoride.

This study shows that a compound from the tamarind fruit shell can be used to de-fluoridate groundwater.

Organic tamarind products are often hard to come by, but here’s Aunt Patty’s Organic Tamarind Paste.
Pineal Gland Supplement #6: Activator X

The name “Activator X” seems like something out of a sci-fi film, but after doing a little research, I was intrigued.

In 1945, the “Isaac Newton of Nutrition,” a former dentist named Weston Price, described a vitamin-like compound that plays a major role in:

Brain function,
Tooth decay prevention, and
Protection against calcification of the arteries.

Price called this compound Activator X. He determined that it occurred in the butterfats, organs, and fat of animals that consume rapidly-growing green grass.

(If you’ve heard the buzz about grass-fed butter in the biohacking community or from David Asprey’s Bulletproof coffee, the original research is based on Price’s Activator X.)

Activator X combines vitamin K1 and K2. Vitamin K1 occurs in rapidly-growing green, leafy plants.

Intestinal microflora in animal tissues produces vitamin K2. You can find it in organ meats, fermented dairy products like cheese or butter (grass-fed butter), sauerkraut, and marine oils.

Medical scientists now know that vitamin K2 deficiency causes calcification of the cardiovascular system.

Vitamin K2, in its Activator X form, helps remove calcium from the arteries, and we can assume it does so in the pineal gland too.

Activator X doesn’t actually eliminate calcium. Instead, it directs the calcium to our bones and teeth where they are needed. (That’s how it helps reverse tooth decay.)

Price found that vitamin K2’s magic came alive when paired with vitamins A and D, two other fat-soluble activators.

These vitamins signal to the cells to produce certain proteins and then vitamin K2 activates these proteins.
How to Take Activator X

So to use Activator X for your pineal gland detox, you want to combine vitamin K2 with additional vitamins A and D.

One way of doing this is to take Green Pastures X-Factor Gold High-vitamin Butter Oil.

pineal gland detox supplement concentrated butter oil

This concentrated butter oil gives you the vitamin K2 you need. You’ll get additional vitamins A and D from the supergreens recommendation below.

(Tim Ferriss also recommends this supplement as well as Kerrygold Irish Grass-Fed Butter in The 4-Hour Body as a way to increase testosterone in men.)

Another great way to get K2 is to consume Ghee, the result of a slow clarification process of butter that removes all moisture, lactose, and caseins from butter.

Ghee is butter made from grass-fed cows. The product doesn’t need to be refrigerated and has a long shelf live.

We use Ancient Organics Grass-Fed Ghee. It’s an excellent product for cooking, spreads, and coffee.

For more on the benefits of K2, see Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life.
Pineal Gland Supplement #7: Raw Cacao

Multiple scientific studies show that raw cacao, rich in flavonoids, helps decrease blood pressure and improve blood vessel health.

By triggering high levels of nitric oxide, raw cacao increases the size of blood vessels. Larger blood vessels mean more blood flow and oxygen make its way to the pineal gland, supporting healthier functioning and detox.

Raw cacao is also loaded with antioxidants as well as anandamide.

Called the “bliss molecule,” anandamide is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain. (Anandamide is why people feel high when they eat good chocolate.)

But not all chocolate is created equal. Cocoa powder is raw cacao roasted at high temperatures. This roasting process changes the chemical structure of the bean, eliminating much the enzymes and nutrients.

Cold-pressing unroasted cocoa beans make raw cacao powder. So to get the desired effects on your pineal gland detox, you want raw cacao, ideally organic.

cacao pineal gland supplement

We use Raw Organic Cacao Power by The Raw Food World in our home. Cacao powder is excellent for shakes and smoothies. It can also be blended into coffee to create a badass caffè mocha.
Pineal Gland Supplement #8: Shilajit

Shilajit is plant material produced over millions of years from plants preserved in dark crevices of the Himalayan Mountains.

Shilajit forms a thick resin that’s packed with 85 different trace minerals including fulvic acid (see below).

Numerous studies demonstrate shilajit’s anti-aging effects and how it protects against cellular damage. Shilajit also reduces chronic fatigue syndrome in rats.shalijit pineal gland supplement

My two favorites:

Authentic Shilajit by Lotus Blooming Herbs
Live Resin Shilajit by Pürblack

Authentic Shilajit looks like small, black pebbles. You can just bite and chew. Pürblack Live Resin Shilajit is more of a gooey liquid. You dissolve it in a small amount of warm water before drinking it.

I experienced the potency of both these products in the beginning before my body adjusted to daily use.
Pineal Gland Supplement #9: Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid helps eliminate toxins and heavy metals, supporting the decalcification process.

It also appears to deliver antioxidants and minerals directly to needed cells.

I’ve tried numerous fulvic acid products on the market before settling on Optimally Organic’s Fulvic Ionic Minerals X350.fulvic acid pineal gland supplement

Plant-based and water-extracted, Fulvic Ionic Minerals X350 is like an American version of Shilajit. It contains fulvic acid, humic acid, essential amino acids, and 77 trace minerals. Due to its high concentration, you only need about 6 drops in some water.

Shilajit and fulvic acid are powerful pineal gland supplements for detox and daily maintenance. You don’t need to take both at the same time; choose one or the other.
Pineal Gland Supplement #10: Boron

In a 1942 study, Marcovitch and Stanley discovered that boric acid is an antidote to fluorine.

Boric acid is the most common form of boron, a trace mineral.

Foods high in boron include:


You also get boron in fulvic acid and Shilajit discussed above.
Pineal Gland Supplement #11: Green Superfoods

Finally, eating raw, green foods that are rich in chlorophyll will also help chelate heavy metals from your blood while nourishing it.

Chlorophyll-dense foods like chlorella, spirulina, and wheat grass also increase oxygen levels, repair damaged tissue, and boost the immune system.

Theoretically, anything that boosts oxygen and immune function should support your body in reversing pineal gland calcification.

And, any foods charged with sunlight should also support healthy pineal gland functioning.

supergreens pineal gland supplement

Here are the green superfoods I take:

Ormus Super Greens from Sunwarrior (for smoothies)
Chlorella Tablets from The Raw Food World

The tablets listed above are 100% raw, organic, and cold-pressed (which is what you want to look for when selecting super greens).

Quick Reference Sheet for this Guide (PDF)
How to Start with Your Pineal Gland Detox

I know. It can feel overwhelming. Where do you begin?

The best place to start is your overall diet. In the previous guide, I emphasized the importance of eating non-GMO, organic fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods (unprocessed).

There are two important reasons why:

First, processed foods and produce with pesticides are filled with fluoride and other calcifying agents.
Second, while there’s a lot of hype around specific “superfoods,” ultimately, every vegetable is a superfood. And concerning the pineal gland, vegetables like kale, broccoli, avocado, and beets are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and minerals (like boron).

Next, I recommend selecting two or three of the above supplements to start your pineal gland detox.

Augment your immune system and support pineal health with Chlorophyll-dense foods that chelate heavy metals like chlorella and spirulina.

Because most of us are mineral deficient, I recommend starting with fulvic acid or shilajit.

And because most of us are iodine deficient, I recommend an iodine supplement as well as consuming Icelandic seaweed (kelp).

Regarding available research, Chaga mushrooms and Activator X impress me the most overall.

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