Another Delicious Brain Boosting Smoothie Recipe

in #health7 years ago

Another Delicious Brain Boosting Smoothie Recipe By Martin Reilly

First thing in the morning, I like to give my brain a bit of a boost, nutritionally speaking, as I find this really sets me up for my day. I also know that getting a balanced mix of nutrients is important in the morning meal as that is what will help stabilize blood glucose levels and ensure that I’m primed to feel my best at all times.

If I skimp on carbs or fats, I know that when it is 10:00 AM, my focus and concentration will plummet and I’ll be left struggling to stay focused on the task at hand.

That’s why this recipe earns top marks in my books. It has everything you need.
Brain boosting foods and a great combination of proteins, carbs, and fats.

Let me first share with you the recipe and then go into details on why it’s so healthy for both your brain and body.

  • ½ avocado, seed removed
  • ½ banana
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • small handful of walnuts
  • 1 scoop whey isolate protein powder
  • ½ cup light coconut milk

Blend all the ingredients together until well mixed and then serve.


Okay, so what makes this my favorite go-to smoothie recipe? First, you have the avocado.


Avocado’s are a great source of vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant in the body and will help to reduce inflammation. Many people think of inflammation as something that’s strictly an issue for your body – your heart, your joints, etc., but it can impact your brain as well. You want to do everything you can to avoid it.

Next, you have half a banana.


We didn’t add the full banana here as too much sugar can cause a blood glucose spike followed by a crash, taking your energy – and focus with it.

The bit of banana is good though as it’ll delivers a good dose of potassium, which is important for maximizing energy.

After that you have blueberries.


Don’t even get me started on blueberries! Not only is this fruit low in sugar and high in fiber, it contains important antioxidants that will help to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. You simply can’t beat blueberries for improving brain function. Consider them a must!

After that, we’ve added walnuts.


Walnuts are a fantastic nut that’s a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which is important for keeping your brain sharp and your entire body functioning as it should. Those who are getting enough omega-3 fatty acids tend to have better memory recall and formation and also ward off depression as well.

Walnuts have a great blend of protein, dietary fiber and healthy fats, so they are a win-win for health’s sake.

Whey protein powder is the next addition to this smoothie.


This is great because it’ll help to strengthen your immune system, which also helps your brain function optimally. Whey contains powerful immunoglobulins, which are great for keeping you feeling your best.

The protein also helps to balance out the carbs, ensuring that you get long lasting energy as well.

Finally, coconut milk is the last ingredient in this super brain-boosting smoothie.


Coconut fat is excellent for providing a fast dose of energy to the body and also for reducing inflammation. Plus, it adds a delicious creamy taste to this smoothie.

So next time you’re in the mood for something to drink or on the run and need nutrition to go, give this smoothie a try. A guarantee for your body – and brain – will thank you for it.

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