The black vegetables which are indispensable of the Black Sea cuisine and the Black Sea cuisine are among the most remarkable foods of recent years.

The black vegetables which are indispensable of the Black Sea cuisine and the Black Sea cuisine are among the most remarkable foods of recent years.
It is a symbol vegetable of the Black Sea which can be consumed in different forms as it is filled with black bean soup which has numerous benefits besides its nourishing qualities.
Ingredients of 100 g of black cabbage are:
- 4 g carbohydrate,
- 4 gr protein,
- 0.9 g fat,
- 100 mg Vitamin C,
- 0.02 mg B1 Vitamin,
- 0.20 mg B2 Vitamin,
- 5.3 mg carotene,
- 200 mg calcium, and
- 1 mg is iron.
The caterpillar must not be cooked too much to benefit from its benefits. To avoid the loss of vitamins and antioxidant properties, it is recommended to boil for a few minutes in water or roast for only about five to ten minutes.
It is also used as raw in salads as well as cooked and consumed. It is rich in vitamin C and contains vitamins A, B, E and calcium, potassium, sulphur, magnesium, copper and iron minerals in abundance.
According to the results of the research done by scientists, the black cabbage allows carcinogenic toxins to be removed from the body.
It is known that anticancer compounds such as "lupeol, sinigrin and sulforaphane" in the calicheana inhibit the growth of tumours by stimulating the enzyme activity. In a study on Chinese women, a significant decrease in breast cancer was seen when diets were added regularly to vegetables such as Black-eyed.