Herbs and spices role in our life

in #health6 years ago

Herbs and spices are the product that cheaper and easy available in market.We as a human face different kind of health issues however i am going to let you know some of them.It may not cure your symptoms but will definitely help you in healing .


Cinnamon is an spice.Cinnamon is also called herb. Cinnamon is used in our daily routine foods.However we even do not know the magical effect of this spice can help you in many health conditions.
If you are patient of high blood pressure Cinnamon will help you lower down your blood pressure. Cinnamon has contain the anti inflammation properties can heal your inflammation due to some bacteria.may help in reduction of inflammation.If you have a problem of blood lower fasting sugar and feel carving before and after a meal on a specific time so if you do not eat on time your autoimmune system start destroy your own body.This is the worse situation and health problem taking Cinnamon regularly can decrease this symptoms.
Take mint + zeera +Cinnamon
make a water drink twice a day and keep your digestion healthy.

Mint or Peppermint

Easy to grow in asian countries very cheap in price you can take it along with CInnamon as i show above how to make water combination of Cinnamon and Peppermint.
IN modern age.We are very found of fast foods like Pizza,Burgers,Hot Dogs, and these fast food contain extra processed particles that can disturb our stomach and if you feel upset and bloating at any time after a meal take peppermint soak into water boil the water with low flame add some cinnamon into it and mint has a soothing muscle properties.If you feel gas pain or stomach cramp trouble to laid down heartburn taking a cup of it will remove your symptoms and you will start feeling good.

Other Herbs

GOd almighty is very merciful,He has made food and herbs and every food has its own benefit on our health and these food are best to treat our disease.For example Turmeric is a best healing spices,from 2000 years it is used on woulds and injury to heal faster .taking turmeric with 1 cut of boiled milk promote healings.Long term use of Turmeric powder help your diseases and inflammation to heal faster.
It also help to heal heart inflammation and boost your immunity.
Basils are known for its anti inflammation properties and are used along with mint to treat gastric disorder.Basil leaves has a magical effect on your immune system.
If use in diabetic condition it reduce the sugar level in your body to protect your organs from damaging due to excessive sugar in your body.
Garlic is also known as spices easy available in our kitchen and used on daily basis are very effective remedy for poor digestion.Treat bloating gas symptoms.Garlic has anti cancer properties and can b used as a healer if you have ulcers in your body.Protect your health from disease and enhance its functions.
Thyme leaves also has a magical effect on your respiratory organ.Thymes are also used in soups salads to enhance the flavour of your food.contain antiseptic properties promote healing.Anti fungal and Antibacterial infections.
Lavender is best for your nasal infection brain congestion eliminate your flu symptoms.Lavender is very beautiful flower which is good for your stomach functions ,has properties of muscle relaxant enhance your stomach health promote biles to release and digest your food,Taking lavender for long time will boost your brain power and help healing your sebun production,stop premature grey of your hair in early age.
There are so many herbs in market which are effective to treat different kind of problems so ask your herbal officer or Dr before taking and medicine as i am not a herbal specialist.Side effects can be occur .


Well done, thanks for the info
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

Spice is essential in my life and gives food delicious flavors
I love cumin and camels

Wow helpful articles dear

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There are countless number of herbs that are of real good health benefits to us.
God created everything that man needs to live a healthy life in this world. But knowledge is the power. It is those that know that benefit from this. The work has been done from the start.

Here's some gems here:

gotu kola,
black seed oil,
vitamin b/d/c,

I'll write something more complete up

Awesome article, love an alternative approach to health holistically!

I just did a research article on the chemical and health effects of the natural compounds found in cannabis, if anyone is interested: https://steemit.com/cannabis/@cryptodad2/chemical-and-health-effect-analysis-of-cannabidiol-and-tetrahydocannabinol-main-compounds-found-in-cannabis#comments

love herbs and spices, and grow fresh whenever I can.. will watch that mint is in a container next time!

How much more comfortable our lives would be if we were acquitted with a ‘user guide or owner’s manual’ which could tell us what to consume and how to be healthy.

Health conscious people would love this post. I'm one of them ;)

You left out the greatest herb ever - Chocolate 😂. It helps lighten up our mood, saves lives and prolonges life under the right circumstances

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Thanks for sharing this informations about those herbs.

My favorite is basil to put into salads or just with a warm meal.
For making applesauce I add half of a teaspoon of cinnamon to it while boiling the apples and it is delicious!

Good food good health , good food always the mind of the human body keeps good so always good food should eat ....

Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @lays

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That's very interesting - when you usually hear of these problems, many people just tend to grab some pills that are good for you or as an alternative you hear of food that's supposed to be good for you and will help you with these kinds of problems! It's great to hear about herbs and spices, cause they are as important as all the other ingredients :)

When ever i eat strong, i take black tea with mint. It is not only sweat to taste but also energizes.

good idea i will follow it too

Good post, I really started to love herbs and spices when I spent time in Latin America and Asia... herbs and spices make all the difference'!

Nice post - thank you.

I am not really an herbal doctor or specialist but truly believe in the power of these natural substances. Mostly if you understand how they help they are good. But you are right. You do have to be careful. Just because something is natural does not automatically make it safe. Many plants are poisonous or potentially dangerous if misused, and though they have their place in the whole scheme of the universe, they are not a good idea to use on or in your body! Think about poison ivy (ouch!) or drinking too much coffee. But a little cinnamon on your toast or in your tea can go a long way! Thanks for the summary!

Using spices and herbs allows us to cut oils, and sugar in out recipes.

La especies son para mi la esencia de la vida diaria, quizás ahora sean algo simple, pero hay que recordar todo lo que ocurrió en el pasado, la ruta de las especies y esos grandes mercados de la misma que movieron e hicieron de fortuna a grandes empresarios. tal como lo dice tu artículo, puede que no te cure, pero las especies en general, cada una venida de un lugar diferente del mundo, calma muchas calamidades, la canela, el gengibre y la la pimienta, son unas de mis favoritas. Saludos!

Very interesting article about herbs

My favorite and most frequently used would be black seeds, ginger and garlic

Extremely informative, there are lot of things in our environment that people are not tapping in to. the health benefits of fruits,vegetables , herbs and spice are so immense but only few are educated about this. Most of the fruits contains phytochemicals and antioxidant which are needed by the body. Herbs- what makes herbs to be medicinal are due to anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and phytonutrient compound that are present in it...love this post!!!

Excellent information! The connection of man with nature manifests itself in his physical and spiritual health. Those who work the land are the people chosen by GOD

Your posting reveals that human being is dependent on nature. We are closely related to soil. Almost all that we eat and drink originally come from nature.

nicely written :)

Eski zamanlarda zaten ilaç yoktu bütün hastalıklar için ilaçlar otlarla yapılırdı. Bu hatırlatıcı mesaj için teşekkürler

Nice, post it is interesting, how spices can be present in our life and memories. This is a good topic for share and discuss

Excelente información, de mucha utilidad. Muchas gracias por compartirla con nosotros.

excellent post @lays, I love mint for when my son has a cold, another herbs that I usually use with my son is eucalyptus to treat respiratory problems, such as cough, colds and asthma.