Maybe you see a lot of rambutan sellers on the side of the road and are interested to buy it. Fruit with a characteristic hair on his skin is indeed a favorite for many people because it's sweet. Just like the fruit in general, rambutan also has health benefits.
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Here are some benefits from fruits that exist only in Indonesia and some other areas of Southeast Asia:
Helps diabetes treatment
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For people with diabetes who are not advised to consume excess sugar while still need it as an energy source, rambutan can be used as an alternative. A study in China revealed that rambutan skin has anti-diabetic properties. Phenolic extract of rambutan skin is beneficial for lowering glucose levels in the body.
Helping the pregnancy process
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Sweet taste in rambutan can help relieve dizziness or symptoms of nausea common during pregnancy. Rambutan also contains iron so it helps fight fatigue and increases hemoglobin levels. For pregnant women who often feel itchy, rambutan can help because it contains vitamin E.
Improve heart health
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Just like other fruits, rambutan contains a fairly high fiber that reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Fiber can help treat hypertension and lower cholesterol levels.
Improve bone health
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Other minerals contained in rambutan are phosphorous, which helps bone formation. In addition, there is also vitamin C is beneficial for bone health.
Helps prevent cancer
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Rambutan fruit has gallic acid content. Gallic acid has the function of destroying various free radicals that are in the body that potentially cause various types of deadly cancer.
Rambutan skin contains organic compounds in the form of Flavonoids. Flavonoids will act as powerful antioxidants to fight cancer cells.
Protect the body from infection
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Rambutan fruit has a copper content that contributes to the making of white blood cells. The function of white blood cells themselves in the body that is against various viruses, germs and bacteria that endanger the body. It is useful to protect the body from many infections, accelerate wound healing, and prevent the formation of pus.
Adds energy
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Rambutan contains carbohydrates and proteins that provide an energy boost.
Improve digestive health
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High fiber content in rambutan fruit can help improve digestive health and prevent digestive problems such as constipation. Rambutan skin has a content called tannin, which is a polyphenol compound containing anti-bacterial diarrhea derived from plants. Therefore rambutan skin can be a powerful antidote for diarrhea.
Skin health
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The skin and seeds of rambutan fruit are rich in vitamin C nutrients that will help skin look brighter. You can use rambutan skin and seeds as a mask by applying them to the skin to improve the texture of the skin and make it soft and smooth. The content of manganese and vitamin C in rambutan can also help hydrate the skin and produce collagen, making skin look healthy and youthful.
That is the benefits and efficacy of rambutan for health that you need to know. May be useful to increase your knowledge in maintaining health by eating healthy fruits.
Healthy lifestyle will benefit you in the future, because health today is expensive.
Good luck.
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