Alcohol and Drug Abuse

in #health7 years ago

Alcohol is a mocker; drug is a deceiver and both always destroy good things.They make the victim feel "high" or "cool" for a while, and then drop him at the bottom of the pit on which he had been riding and afraid, with no one to help him get out.
Alcohol and Drug tell you that you are what you are not.The consequences of drug and alcohol use are predictable and well know n.The price people pay for ignorance about the effects of drug and alcoholism too high.
Drug abuse leads to gradual deterioration, And violent death. By far worst is the children copy what the adults do, especially parents,uncle's, peopleaeoind people around them.they soon pass a bad legacy on the children.
Today's children become tomorrow's youths and later adults. Persons whose lives are messed up as youths often become a bigger meaa as adults.Drug and Alcohol can cal take over a persons life.
Substance abuse is a growing problem in workshop or workplaces.Alcohol and drugs are a major cause of troubles in the workplace and in the house.
Rough behaviours,assault,strong and provocative language, lack of self control, irrational decisions and wild and risky acts from feeling "high" have been known to lead to accidents serious injury, disability and death.
The uniformed younger workers usually copy the "stronger men" who are gang leaders dealing in drugs in the workplace.Copy cat misdemeanors, when not controlled ,in a timely manner can become an epidemic. This can be difficult for management.
For these reasons,in certain circumstances, an employee may be required to take a substance abuse test in keeping with the organization's Drug and Alcohol policy. Abuseers are normally made to undego counselling. In severe cases of a rehibilition programme and placement on the watch list, or outright release may be the Options.


you are the great to upload such things ..these are very motivational details about anti drugs. really appreciated (Y)

thanks for your comment,i look at people around me and noticed that this is thing is too rampard,may God bliss us to achieve our aim.thanks.

thankyou so much for your best wishes thnks aloot

Hi @olayiwola

Seriously you are right, drug and alcholic abuser now too many among nowadays youth to the extent of losing total control of themself which do sometimes lead to madness or death. As a medical student there are lot of harmful çôñséqúénces this thing do cause to the body especially the body liver which may be over worked and it start depreciating which might lead to liver hepatitis

I pray they turn a new leaf
