Kidney diseases is one of the leading causes of death among people nowadays. That includes several kinds of urinary system systems disorders namely: Acute/ Chronic Renal Failure, Pyelonephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Kidney stones. As such diseases becomes prevalent, we may wonder what causes all of them that affect our kidneys so much.
I have encountered clients with cases like these at work. Instead of what I had to do as a nurse, I discussed to them very in simplest terms and I gave them the idea as to what are the risk factors that may contribute to these diseases. I also explained to them how our Kidneys are so important in our body.
Most of us would regard the Heart and Lungs as the vital organs in our body when in fact there are several of them. Kidneys is one of the Vital organs in our body that has critical functions that keep our body in homeostasis. As a nurse I would like to share to you what I’ve learned. Today, I’m going to discuss with you the factors that causes Kidneys Diseases in which we are quite exposed.
Infections may occur in different parts of our body. These are often seen in Pyelonephritis, Glomerulonephritis and lower urinary tract infections. When these infections are unnoticed, more functional renal tissues will gradually be damaged. Our body normally find ways to heal itself during the inflammatory process. However the aftermath of such healing is scarring of the tissues and atrophy of renal cells thus, distorts the filtering function of the kidneys. Unfortunately, this is an irreversible condition. If most of the kidney cells are damaged, this infection will result to Renal Failure.
Too much protein in the diet can lead to kidney damage and premature kidney failure. Protein must be consumed at normal amounts. The recommended daily allowance for protein is 0.8 grams for every kilogram of body weight. Most of the protein intake are from meat products. The problem is that the body has no way of storing excess protein, therefore, the excess must be excreted through the kidney in a form of waste product. But the kidneys are not designed to process large amounts of protein all the time. Excess protein intake in responsible for excretion of more calcium through the kidneys that causes the formation of kidney stones. Furthermore, this can also be the reason for brittle bones among people who eat animal meat too much.
Most cases of Kidney Failure are caused by Diabetic Nephropathy. Lesions are formed in the arterioles that pass through the glomerular tufts including the filters themselves.
If both high blood pressure and diabetes are present and uncontrolled, Kidney Failure will follow.
Circulatory shock is an abnormal condition of inadequate blood flow to the peripheral tissues. The causes include hemorrhage, sever diarrhea, vomiting, septicemia, severe burns and severe allergic reactions. As a result, poor blood and oxygen supply to kidneys will result to kidney dysfunction and failure.
Let's be cautious with out health and take good care of our kidneys.
wow... you must be a doctor
I didn't know all that.
I am a registered nurse and was used to be a dialysis nurse:-). I am pretty more familiar with cases like these because I had encountered many patients with kidney disorders.
postingan yang bagus good luck salam kenal dari saya