in #health6 years ago

Stroke is a neurological disease that most often lead to disability and kematian.stroke first rank which caused deaths among lainnya.stroke disease neurological disease is also one of the three leading causes of death.

how to provide first aid on the stroke
Strokesering times occur suddenly, causing many to panic and do not know what to do when there is a stroke in someone we know, nah therefore identify the steps how to give first aid to save lives of stroke victims yng people we saying. Here are some steps how to give first aid to victims of stroke :
· Do not panic => the main thing is not to panic, in all things whatsoever if we panic then all would be fatal, make sure to stay calm to think clearly what to do in advance to help people affected by stroke.
· Communicate => invite the victim to communicate continuously that he be awake, because when the victim lost consciousness would be fatal, the victim will experience koma.tingkat victim awareness is very important, because help facilitate the supply of oxygen to the brain.
· Do not move the victim => thing to note is not presumptuous to move the victim because it will worsen the condition of the victim, the victim simply in the holder on the scene and gave first aid at the scene.
· Puncture the fingertip portion victim => during a stroke, blood vessel with a high-pressure pump blood to the brain, because it sticks the tip of your fingers to slow the rate of circulation to otak.dengan thus the risk of complications can be reduced.
· Pull pull the ear tips and stab the victim => if the stroke victim then pull the ear tip korban.fungsi pull her to relax the facial muscles so that blood circulation to the brain can be smoothly back, Then prick the tip of the earlobe until he bled 2 drops of each earlobe to slow circulation of the brain and slow the rate darahke blood pump.
· Give blood thinning medication (if any)
· Fold the victim (try a head higher than the heart)
· Bring to the hospital ....
