Greeting the True Steemians
Good afternoon Steemians friends wherever you are in this afternoon I want to post or provide information about the procedure of treating the breath. To treat a case such as bad breath or bad breath requires persistence even though the medicine is very simple like:
- 30 grams or a handful of leaves beluntas
young. - 5 grams of young areca nut
- 5 grams of salt
HOW - All the ingredients on top of boiled with water
Sufficient to boil.
USAGE - drunk three times a day should be regular
- If mouth smell due to Gum or toothache
Here's what to look for:
- 5 cardamom seeds
- 5 betel flower buds
- 3 cape flowers
HOW - all the ingredients in finely crushed, given three water
tablespoons and then squeezed and dipasuk
into a glass of cooking water 1/4
- If bad breath because the food is enough
easy to eat coffee powder or
drinking enough pure coffee and drinking
water that has been cooked and already in
! [image] ()
This is a traditional medicine relics of our family and we still use today because mujarap materials are easy to find and the price is affordable. So this is a traditional medicine that is passed down to our family. Drugs like this are very useful for our family and maybe for Steemians friends if you want to try.
Salam Steemians Sejati
Selamat sore sahabat Steemians dimanapun anda berada pada sore ini saya mau memposting atau memberi informasi tentang tata cara mengobati nafas. Untuk mengobati kasus seperti bau nafas atau bau mulut membutuhkan ketekunan walaupun obatnya sangatlah sederhana seperti :
- 30 gram atau segenggam daun beluntas
muda. - 5 gram pinang muda
- 5 gram garam dapur
CARANYA - Semua bahan di atas rebus dengan air
Secukupnya sampai mendidih.
PEMAKAIAN - diminum tiga kali sehari harus teratur
- Jika mulut bau karena Gusi atau sakit gigi
Inilah bahan yang di cari seperti :
- 5 biji kapulaga
- 5 kuntum bunga sirih
- 3 kuntum bunga tanjung
CARANYA - semua bahan di tumbuk halus, diberi air tiga
sendok makan lalu di peras dan dimasuk
kan kedalam gelas berisi air masak 1/4
- Jika bau mulut karena makanan cukup
gampang tinggal makan kopi bubuk atau
minum kopi murni secukupnya lalu minum
air yang sudah di masak dan sudah di
Inilah obat tradisional peninggalan keluarga kami dan masih kami gunakan sampai sekarang karena mujarap bahan mudah di cari dan harganya pun terjangkau. Jadi inilah obat tadisional yang turun temurun untuk keluarga kami. Obat seperti ini sangat berguna untuk keluarga kami dan mungkin untuk teman Steemians bila ingin mencoba.
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