Health tips: Ayurvedic treatment of Paralysis.

in #health7 years ago

Hello dear friends,

Paralysis is also called paralysis disease in Ayurveda. In this disease, all the parts of one side of the patient stop working, such as not having the left leg or left-hand work. At the same time, consciousness is also inactivated to reach the consciousness of these organs. And due to this disease, the scarcity of the limbs in the body reduces the heat and also the memorization of some memories is destroyed. In paralysis, the human becomes helpless. And others have to be dependent on every work. Ayurveda has given several remedies to reduce the effects of paralysis.

Symptoms of Paralysis:

In paralysis, the disease completely dries the body's veins. Because of which, blood is not available on body parts. And the body part is no longer of any use.

Apart from this, the main limbs of the body such as nose, eyes, and ears become crooked. The biggest symptoms of this disease are hanging on one side of the lips.

Ayurvedic treatment to avoid paralysis:

• For some days, after soaking the milk in the milk and giving it to the patient, the paralysis begins to recover.

• Mix saunas and urad in water and after waking them in light flame, feeding the patient regularly provides relief.

• Mix pear, apple and grapes juice in equal quantity in a glaze. And keep giving to the patient. For some time, this remedy will be beneficial only if it is done regularly.

• Grind 1 teaspoon black pepper and mix it in 3 spoons of country ghee and make a paste and massage it into paralyzed organs. By doing this, the disease of paralyzed organs will be removed.

• Regular eating or drinking of the juice of bitter gourd vegetable or bitter gourd begins to improve the affected organs. This measure is to be done daily.

• By eating onions and consuming onion juice, paralyzed the patient gets cured.

• Grind 6 grams of garlic and mix it in a spoonful of butter and eat it every day. Paralysis will cure.

• Mixing yogurt and rock salt with basil leaves, mixing it properly makes the lactation fine. These measures have to be done for a long time.

• Boil the basil leaves in hot water and keep the stomach paralyzed due to the organs and the paralysis begins to recover.

• Add 50 grams of garlic in half a liter of mustard oil and cook it in an iron pan. Allow the water to cool down, then filter this oil and put it in a box. Massage the paralyzed organs with this oil.

Cook dhartro seeds in a mustard oil in a slump and filter it and massage it on the limb with paralysis.

Almond oil on parasites

Mustard oil:
Nirgundi oil should be massaged etc.

Butter and Garlic:
Butter and garlic also provide relief from paralysis. You can grind the four buds of garlic with butter and drink it.

Salt and cinnamon:
Boil a little cinnamon and a spoonful of ginger powder i.e. a dry ginger in a glass of milk. And eat it regularly. This effective remedy provides relief from paralysis.

Do not eat in paralysis or eat it:
If you have paralysis, take these things seriously
Bitter gourd
Wheat bread
Millet bread

Eat these fruits:

Papaya and
In addition, eat milk in the morning and evening.

Do not eat:

Fried things
Gram Flour
And do not eat greens.

Paralysis can also be cured by consuming Triphala.

Due to non-treatment of paralysis at the right time, the patient is forced to live the life of a bedrock, hence it is necessary to treat paralysis during the time. Paralysis can be completely cured by Ayurvedic methods. These measures will benefit only for long periods of time.

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