How to Remove Authorized Apps from Your Account

in #help7 years ago (edited)

In light of the recent abuse of the Streemian service, many people have been asking how to disconnect their account. A lot of helpful people gave them the link

But what if you want to revoke access to another site? Well, it's pretty simple. You can view a full list of all apps that currently hold your permissions at Just find the one you want to remove and click "Revoke".

Hope that helps you out. Good luck!


People that abuse the trust of the steemit community deserve all the flags they get. That's terrible what happened to @imacryptorick and I hope streemian gets taken down a peg for their actions.

Whoops, didn't mean to link to his comment, but it was a good example of what happened to multiple people. It is ridiculous that they would think they could get away with something like this. Their post already dropped $1,000 so hopefully it will keep going down.

Good! It's gonna bite 'em in the arse, as well it should