
increased your HIVE POWER, otherwise your resource credit will always remain low (it's, in a way, an anti spamming, pay attention to your VP too)

Your RC

Hello there, just stumbled upon your post and scrolled bit down to your feed.

Ditch the Ai and use your own words as a first step, then try to join to the communities (I can notice you are mostly posting with some random #). Do a research about the topics you are into, then find community and expose yourself to the audience, that is the only way to be seen on Hive.

Good and original content is always rewarded, literally socialize yourself with others, do no expect that after few attempts you'll have a mass of people following you.

Good luck!

Tickle their interest, explore...

1 . write more than 300 words (200 mini)

  1. That the text is yours, not copied and pasted
  2. tried to get interested in various projects on the site
  3. Observed hive-engine and the tags (#archon #cent #gaming ect... depending on what you talked about, looked at what others put in relation to their writing)