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RE: HiQ №6 | Smart, Stylisch und Sechsy | Die hivestylischsten Themen des Monats für euch zusammengefasst | Diesmal mit dabei: Justin aus der Blockchain, BHive - Second Layer der Zukunft, Flagtenzeichen XY ungelöst – uvm.

in #hiq4 years ago

How i am able to restart your service?

Because i stopped it, with the goal of reactivating if my account is big enough to get less notifications from your good service.



Chuck Norris reached ALL @Hivebuzz achievements, 2-Times.

Yes, because Chuck Norris created HiveBuzz.


Simply make a reply to any of our comment with the word NOTIFY (nothing else)


"Ask And you shall receive", Matthew 77
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Looks like i have to edit this aspekt of your service in my next word about.

Thank you very much. :-)
Also for your @acrange´s comment under the @HiQ!