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RE: Today in History: Boxing and Bombs

in #history4 years ago

Great post! Only I wouldn't classify boxing as violence. In fact it does the opposite, it's mainly a sport if we need to classify this. Martial arts has a anti-violence effect on the population.

Martial Artists around the world are anti-violence and just pro defense. In my opinion, every school on the planet should have a martial arts class from young age to get rid of negative "karma".

World War 2, is worse then violence. Did you know the capitalist Zionists in the US declared war on Germany in 1933? I haven't research this properly yet but like almost everything else, it turned out be lies and we haven't been told the truth.

We are being deceived. 🤠


I agree with what you said about anti-violence and martial arts. Of all the people I know that were involved in Muay Thai and other MMA, none of them are troublemakers. They will go out of their way in order to diffuse a situation and almost never resort to violence. This has been seen in many professional fighters when they are provoked in public as well.

It's funny to me that the people who are the most capable of violence are often the least likely to use it. I suppose it has a lot to do with the training.

I explain it like this, people leave their stress, anger and madness in the gym.

Throw a criminal in a gym, see what happens within a year, probably has a stable job and and a girlfriend after a few months. A Muay Thai/Dutch Kickboxing teacher of mine and a professor in the Netherlands did government projects with drug addicted children, I don't know the exact results but they were amazing.

It's only logical really, we are from nature and in nature we survive, in this day and age we are missing something.

I vote to put the illuminate in a boxing/muay thai gym for a year, get rid of their stress and growing insanity, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu really needs it, never seen a man so stressed and quite frankly insane. 🤠

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