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RE: When does a myth become truth Pt10a - The Giants.

in #history6 years ago

There are many entities that are invested in the current narrative in regards to our history. Religious organisations would have trouble holding onto their converts if the belief systems are shattered, that's a BIG powerful business invested fully in the history currently taught. All history books would need to be revised throwing academia into turmoil. Academic qualifications would potentially be deemed worthless if they were deemed to have been earned on false information.
I'm sure there are many others too as they are just off the top of my head.
The Information Age is still less than a hundred years old and most people believe what they are told about the history of our world without ever doing any research for themselves. I'm convinced many truths will be revealed to us in the coming years however there are bigger arguably more important truths for institutions such as wikileaks to be revealed over this one.
Hopefully it won't be too long before serious debate and investigation is done on this subject.


All right bud! This is an interesting subject nonetheless.

And the post was really good!

Looking forward to the next one.

Hey no worries, skepticism is healthy.
That's why I write the posts I do, to question our paradigm.
Thanks mate.