What Does HIVE Mean To Me? (In song...)

in Threespeak - OLD4 years ago (edited)

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I got inspired by @theycallmedan’s post last night (I’m on the UTC) and stayed up till 3am feverishly writing and recording this little bitty diddy. I certainly hope ya’ll like it. ;)


When the censors got you lookin’ for a new place to thrive
honey pack your bags and put that Beemer in drive
Yeah I might be buzzin’ but I never imbibe
It’s just great straight pollinatin’, don’t wait come join the HIVE!

If they accuse you of being a Russian Bot
Come on over when the heat gets hot
If your channels been demonetized
And you’re sick and tired of their filthy lies!?!
If a creepy dude like Justin Sun
Has made your blockchain no more fun
If their algo-rhythms got your beat
Droppin’ on deaf ears...

This Hive is Alive

When the censors got you lookin’ for a new place to thrive
honey pack your bags and put that Beemer in drive
Yeah I might be buzzin’ but I never imbibe
It’s just great straight pollinatin’ Honey, come join the Hive
It’s just great straight pollinatin’ Honey, come join the Hive
It’s just great straight pollinatin’, don’t wait come join the HIVE!

▶️ 3Speak


SO cool and original mate. Awesome stuff!

Thank you very much =)

Very cool!

In fact, great voice, my man!

Love the song.

If a creepy dude like Justin Sun
Has made your blockchain no more fun

You had to do it! 😂

I couldn’t help myself =)
And Thank you very much

Ha this is awesome! Really lovin the lyrics here dude. Hilarious. Fun harmonies as well. This rocks

Thanks very much man, that was one of those creative flows that couldn’t be denied =)

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