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RE: 'Royal' Biographer & Aristocrat Claims Jeffrey Epstein Wasn't a Paedophile...?

Ask yourself: Is it believable to think that a guy like this idiot prince would be flying back and forth to the Caribbean from London for ordinary garden-variety fat-cat/teen sex which he could get anywhere in England??

The answer is not really. What he was getting on Epstein's island had to have been much fancier than that. Satanic rituals, child sacrifice, and all kinds of shit that doesn't belong in our age of the world.


When you have unlimited money you can go wherever you want, whenever you want - pretty much.. So why wouldn't you go to the Caribbean?

I am about to upload a video that covers the claims of a guy regarding the kinds of rituals you are talking about taking place on a large ocean going boat - with Bill Clinton and others.