🇨🇺 Bitcoin Asere Event, mi experiencia desde dentro como parte del equipo de prensa. [ESP-ENG]

in Hive Cuba2 years ago



Hola a todos! Les cuento que tuve la suerte de formar parte del esquipo de prensa de Bitcoin Asere Event, el mayor encuentro organizado hasta la fecha por parte de la comunidad cripto en nuestra Isla. Gracias a Manu, tuve la posibilidad de estar como parte del team Hivecuba entre los fotógrafos del evento. Así que desde este punto de vista, les estaré comentando un poco mi experiencia.

Hello everyone! I was lucky enough to be part of the press team of the Bitcoin Asere Event, the largest meeting organized to date by the crypto community in our island. Thanks to Manu, I had the chance to be part of the Hivecuba team among the photographers of the event. So from this point of view, I will be telling you a little about my experience.

This is me!😜

Para comenzar, aunque el programa marcaba las 12: 30, nosotros debíamos estar bastante antes, así que ya a las 9 am de la mañana nos encontramos en camino hacia la Fábrica de Arte Cubano, lugar donde tendría lugar la cita. Hablo en plural pues Alejandro Arias, era otro de los fotógrafos que participaba y como somos casi vecinos, fuimos juntos.
Ya al llegar nos encontramos a @manuphotos , @aylenmp y al poco rato entró Karel. Allí dentro había tremendo ajetreo (montón de personas cargando cosas, organizando, ultimando detalles) los speakers del evento, se reunían a cada rato entre ellos, intentando liberar nervios mientras conversaban, otros corrían de un lado a otro para que todo estuviese perfecto, entre ellos Manu, que parecía una hormiguita todo el rato.

To begin with, although the program marked 12:30, we had to be well before, so at 9 am we were already on our way to the Cuban Art Factory, where the event would take place. I speak in plural because Alejandro Arias, was another of the photographers who participated and as we are almost neighbors, we went together.
When we arrived we met Manu, Aylen and soon after Karel came in. Inside there was a tremendous "hustle and bustle" (lots of people carrying things, organizing, finalizing details) the speakers of the event, were meeting each other all the time, trying to release nerves while talking, others were running from one side to another to make sure everything was perfect, among them Manu, who looked like an ant all the time.

Algunos de los speakers del evento, momentos antes de comenzar.
Some of the speakers at the event, moments before the start.

Manu, todo el rato verificando para que todpo estuviese perfecto.
Manu, all the time checking to make sure everything was perfect.

Entramos a la Nave 4, donde se montaron las cámaras para grabación y el Streaming en Youtube, el equipo de producción ajustaba el audio, la iluminación, pantallas, se realizaban pruebas de sonido con los micrófonos, mientras los ponentes ensayaban, o sencillamente se ponían a conversar entre ellos.

We entered Hall 4, where the cameras were set up for recording and streaming on Youtube, the production team adjusted the audio, lighting, screens; sound tests were performed with the microphones, while the speakers rehearsed, or simply started talking to each other.

Algunos de los speakers del evento antes de comenzar.
Some of the speakers at the event before starting.

Aprovechamos ese rato para analizar algunos parámetros para la fotografía pues el lugar es sumamente oscuro y la iluminación en el escenario muy brillante, además que estaba todo atestado de sillas, pues bien conocíamos que muchos tenían intenciones de asistir, y eso era lo más importante. El ISO mínimo que podía utilizar era un 6400, con casi la máxima apertura del lente f/2 o en 2.8 y una velocidad entre 1/125 y 200. Para la zona más oscura, la cosa se complicaba, y ahí sí que tenía que elevar el ISO a números muy muy altos.

We took the opportunity to analyze some parameters for photography because the place is extremely dark and the lighting on the stage is very bright, plus it was all crowded with chairs, as we knew that many had intentions to participate, and that was the most important thing. The minimum ISO I could use was 6400, with almost the maximum aperture of the lens f/2 or 2.8 and a speed between 1/125 and 200. For the darkest area, things got complicated, and there I had to raise the ISO to very very high numbers.

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Ale, mientras mediamos parámetros en el interior del local.
Ale, while we measured parameters inside the room.

En el exterior, todo lo contrario, un sol que rajaba las piedras!
No obstante, muchos aprovecharon para pasar por el photocall y hacerse una foto de recuerdo:

Outside, on the contrary, a sun that was cracking the stones!
However, many took the opportunity to stop by the photocall and take a souvenir photo:








Teniendo ¨controlado¨ los valores que utilizaríamos luego y analizadas las rutas críticas para desplazarnos por el sitio una vez comenzada la actividad, ya pudimos relajarnos un poco, yo por poco no alcanzo el cupcake de bienvenida!!!

Having ¨controlled¨ the values that we would use later and analyzed the critical routes to move around the site once the activity began, we could already relax a little, I narrowly missed the welcome cupcake!!!!

Mi Cupcake de bienvenida, ñami ñami! 😜
My welcome cupcake, yum yum yum!

El DJ bailaba al mismo tiempo que pinchaba dándole al momento ese ambiente de fiesta que tanto motiva y te mantiene bien arriba.

The DJ was dancing at the same time that he was playing, giving the moment that party atmosphere that motivates and keeps you on top of your game.


Comenzaron a entrar las personas, y los primeros 10 hivers que llegaran tendrían su pullover de nuestra comunidad, a los que Aylen les daba la bienvenida.

People started to come in, and the first 10 hivers to arrive would get their community pullover, and Aylen welcomed them.

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La verdad, no sé cuántas personas fueron, pero de los que sí estoy segura es que superó las expectativas de todos los organizadores!!
Comenzaron las ponencias, súper interesantes cada una de ellas, siempre encaminadas a educar al público sobre este mundo de las criptomonedas, las blockchains, la web 3.0 y por supuesto sobre Hive.

To tell the truth, I don't know how many people were there, but I am sure that it exceeded the expectations of all the organizers!
The presentations started, each one of them super interesting, always aimed to educate the audience about this world of cryptocurrencies, blockchains, web 3.0 and of course about Hive.

Erich, organizador principal, durante su conferencia
Erich, main organizer, during his conference


Momento sefie
Selfie time




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La verdad, es que desde mi punto de vista, había un gran interés sobre la conferencia sobre Web 3.0 y Hive, pues muchas personas se acercaban a preguntar cuándo sería, un momento muy interesante fue la demostración en vivo del puente entre bitcoin lightning y Hive, mediante V4V

The truth is that from my point of view, there was a great interest in the conference on Web 3.0 and Hive, as many people came to ask when it would be.
A very interesting moment was the live demonstration of the bridge between bitcoin lightning and Hive, through V4V.

Demostración en vivo
Live demonstration


Al finalizar hubo una ronda de preguntas para los expositores. De los que más fueron solicitados, fueron sin dudas, Kamilo y Manu, pues muchas personas tenían interés en conocer más de Hive, a partir de todas las potencialidades que se expusieron.

At the end there was a round of questions for the exhibitors. Kamilo and Manu were undoubtedly the most requested, as many people were interested in learning more about Hive, from all the potentialities that were exposed.

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Manu y Kamilo respondiendo preguntas del público.
Manu and Kamilo answering questions from the audience.

Un momento especial de la tarde fue cuando Erich tomó nuevamente la palabra para informar que el #bitcoinasere era tendencia en Twitter y agradecer a todos los presentes y los que estaban viendo el evento vía streaming, por hacer posible este hecho sin precedentes en Cuba.

A special moment of the afternoon was when Erich took the floor again to inform that #bitcoinasere was trending on Twitter and to thank all those present and those who were watching the event via streaming, for making this unprecedented event possible in Cuba.

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Por mi parte, contribuí con algunos twits, aunque mi cuenta tiene un alcance bien pequeñito, pero igual me hacía sentir bien estar compartiendo con otros algunos de los momentos de los cuales estábamos disfrutando, y así dar a conocer un poquito más a nuestra plataforma #HIVE

For my part, I contributed with some tweets, although my account has a very small reach, but it still made me feel good to be sharing with others some of the moments we were enjoying, and thus make our HIVE platform a little more known.

Screenshot of my cell phone

Ya al finalizar algunos optaron por seguir compartiendo entre amigos, comer, beber algo, hablar sobre sus impresiones del evento. Yo estaba molida!! Casi todo el día sin poder sentarme! Pero muy muy feliz por cómo se había desarrollado todo. Feliz por Manu, que finalmente pudo relajar sus nervios 😂, y por conocer a muchos del grupo de Telegram y la comunidad de Hivecuba. 🤗
Así que cerca de las 9 de la noche, finalmente me despedí de los que quedábamos aún y volví a mi casa con una sensación de bienestar tremenda, donde me esperaba mi querido esposo.

At the end of the event, some people chose to continue sharing with friends, eating, having a drink, talking about their impressions of the event. I was exhausted! Almost the whole day without being able to sit down! But very, very happy with how everything went. Happy for Manu, who was finally able to relax his nerves 😂, and to meet many of the Telegram group and the Hivecuba community. 🤗
So around 9 pm, I finally said goodbye to those of us who were still left and returned home with a tremendous sense of well-being, where my dear husband was waiting for me.


Porqué creo que fue importante para @Hivecuba haber participado en este evento:

En Cuba, las criptomonedas aún están en un proceso de ¨descubrimiento¨, desgraciadamente muchos asocian las criptos con estafas y ambiente turbio, debido a que algunos modelos Ponzi se pusieron muy en boga dejando a muchos enriquecidos y largándose del país y otros tantos perdiendo su platica.
Pero, siempre hay un pero… también por suerte, hay un grupo importante de personas que tiene como meta acercar al ciudadano común a las criptos y hacerles entender los beneficios de la descentralización, sobre todo para un país como el nuestro en el que por muchos motivos no tenemos acceso a bienes y servicios al alcance de un click.
Cuba tiene un potencial creativo indiscutible, artistas cada día dejan sus obras en plataformas como Instagram, Facebook, Youtube a la espera de ser ¨descubiertos¨ y sin monetización ninguna. Los youtubers proliferaron durante un tiempo, creándose cuentas que no podían decir que eran desde Cuba y cobrando a través de familiares y amistades en el extranjero. Pero, eso queridos amiguitos, agota tremendamente.
Ahora les mostramos en este Evento masivo, que existe un lugar, un espacio, donde su contenido es visible, donde no tienen que cumplir con algunas de las absurdas normas del family friendly a riesgo de que te desmoneticen el video o te cierren el canal, donde te puedes expresar libremente (ojo, una cosa es libertad y otra libertinaje, siempre hay algunas reglas que cumplir).
Un lugar que te valora un post donde preparas tu postre preferido, la manera en que te maquillas, el lugar al que visitaste, un dibujo digital, unas sesión de fotos con amigos o profesionales en estudio, donde tienes un podcast con amigos o básicamente cualquier idea que se te ocurra. Y, que además puedes recibir recompensas por esto!
Muchos en el evento fueron queriendo saber de criptomonedas, pero se fueron conociendo un nuevo mundo para expresar su creatividad.

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Manu, minutos antes de comenzar su conferencia.
Manu, minutes before starting his conference.

Why I think it was important for @Hivecuba to have participated in this event:

In Cuba, cryptocurrencies are still in a process of ¨discovery¨, unfortunately many associate cryptos with scams and shady environment, because some Ponzi models became very much in vogue leaving many enriched and leaving the country and many others losing their money.
But, there is always a but... luckily, there is also an important group of people whose goal is to bring the common citizen closer to cryptos and make them understand the benefits of decentralization, especially for a country like ours where for many reasons we do not have access to goods and services at the reach of a click.
Cuba has an indisputable creative potential, artists every day leave their works on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube waiting to be ¨discovered¨ and without any monetization. Youtubers proliferated for a while, creating accounts that could not say they were from Cuba and charging through family and friends abroad. But, my dear friends, that is tremendously exhausting.
Now we show you in this massive event, that there is a place, a space, where your content is visible, where you do not have to comply with some of the absurd rules of family friendly at the risk of having your video demonetized or your channel closed, where you can express yourself freely (be careful, freedom is one thing and libertinism is another, there are always some rules to comply with).
A place that values a post where you prepare your favorite dessert, the way you make up, the place you visited, a digital drawing, a photo shoot with friends or professionals in a studio, where you have a podcast with friends or basically any idea you can think of. And, that you can also receive rewards for this!
Many at the event went wanting to know about cryptocurrencies, but left knowing a new world to express their creativity.

Un agradecimiento enorme al equipo de Hivecuba que permitió que esto pudiera hacerse realidad:
@manuphotos, @noakmilo, @aylenmp,@aylenmp y @karelnt !!
Además imposible no mencionar a ese otro equipazo que contribuyó para que Hive fuera uno de los patrocinadores de este evento:
A todos ustedes, muchas felicidades!

A huge thanks to the Hivecuba team that made this possible:
@manuphotos, @noakmilo, @aylenmp,@aylenmp and @karelnt
Also impossible not to mention that other great team that contributed to make Hive one of the sponsors of this event:
To all of you, congratulations!


 📷 Todas las fotos son tomadas por mí 📸
All photos are taken by me
Canon EOS RP
EF50mm f/1.8 STM
...and My cell 🤳

Apoyo a la comunidad @hivecuba😍



Apoyo a la comunidad @aliento😍

You can vote for the witness https://vote.hive.uno/@aliento


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @hivecuba, @janetedita ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

How much of an issue is price volatility on BTC?

Because I'm seriously looking at making a really simple wallet which holds HBD whose value is pretty reliable, but which can SPEND in Lightning at the moment you want to pay.

Users will hold their funds as HBD on Hive so the value is linked to 1 USD and they are owning their keys, but they can still deposit and withdraw as Lightning.

Do you think this is something that will be useful in Cuba?


Here what I have seen is that many usually convert HBD or HIVE to BTC LN to be able to make instant payments from the wallet (Muun or Wallet of Satoshi), and another portion is taken to a stablecoin like USDT or BUSD because of the volatility of BTC.
I think that if you could have a wallet that directly hosted the HBD and paid in BTC LN, I see it as super helpful, as it is very likely that many would choose to keep their money there because they would have in one place the speed of payment in Lightning and the stability of HBD.
Although unfortunately, payments in BTC LN are not something that is very frequent here, it is precisely something we would like to see happen more and more often.

Hello. I believe something like that will be usefull worldwide, not only in Cuba.

Here for business is a big issue but they are already using exchanges or other platforms to change BTC LN or any other not stable cryptocurrency into a stable one. The most used in Cuba are USDT trc-20 and BUSD from the BSC, but we want HBD to be one of the most used in our country, and for that our community needs to grow more.

I know your wallet will be useful for every cuban, but the amount of people that will be using it will depends on the people that use the HBD and now we are just starting.

My advice is to focus not only in Cuba where I’ll happy promote the use and benefits of your wallet, but focus also in Venezuela, México and other countries from LATAM. For that i can reach some Hivers friends.

I hope this could be helpful and anything you need from me or the cuban community just tell us.

Dear @brianoflondon, it would be great to have a hybrid wallet of HBD and BTC, for us Cubans, and in other parts of the world they also solve many problems for us, in addition to moving away the votability guarantees a better management of funds when cashing in business. Imagine that when making a payment the recipient decides if he wants BTCLN or HBD, that's great, in the same way that the sender decides if you take the funds from BTCLN or HBD. There is a similar experience in Salvador's ChivoWallet and Galoy 's Beach Wallet, which have taken the use of lighting to another level. If you succeed, you will give us a powerful tool. Thank You Very much!!!

 2 years ago  

Las mejores fotos de mi vida!!!!!!

Jane tremendo artículo y las fotos geniales 🤩🤩

Oyeeeee!!!😂 Graciasssss!!!🤗🤗🤗


Muy bueno el articulo. Algo asi intente hacer en tiempo real pero si lo hacia me perdia el evento. Gracias por compartir.

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