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RE: Chemicals from Cockroach-Feeding Insects Can Prevent Disease

in Fascinating Insects4 years ago

Very interesting, but a link to your source is missing: where did you find this information?
Did you write the text between the quotes yourself?
Is it your own photo? This picture doesn't show the 'jewel wasp' (Ampulex compressa) described in the article.


I am afraid both the photo and the write up were just stolen from the internet. This user doesn´t have a good reputation. I accidentally supported one of her posts in the past, not knowing she was a plagiarist...

Thanks for information. It's really annoying that so many people try to cheat.

It is, unfortunately. Your generous upvotes attract a lot of cheaters to this community. Some others might not be cheaters but they are so ignorant they probably don´t even read the title of the group and post whatever photos they want here... There is a lot of ignorance here in general, I encounter it almost daily in my contests and challenges...

Yes, it's complicated: I really want to reward new users, also these who don't speak English perfectly or don't have the best camera available. I am sure some of them are doing honest work ... unfortunately it's not always easy to recognize/detect which ones ...

I know this struggle very well. I am happy to see your insect community growing every day but on the other hand, I feel sorry for you as it makes moderating it more and more difficult and time consuming... Everything would be just so much easier if people were nice and honest, right? :)