2022 In The Rear View Mirror


Mercedes were beaten by the FIA this year and last season and not by improved competition. This is what everyone forgets or fails to realise as the rule and car regulation changes beat Mercedes which was the FIA plan.

The final race of the Formula One season is finally over and I for one and happy to see the end of it. It has taken virtually 12 months to finally see the controversy of last years final race stop trending on Twitter. We all know what happened and how it was swept under the carpet with what the FIA have called 'human error'. In most cases fairness and doing the right thing never happens as the end result is what was the initial plan.


Bigger mirrors are the only change coming next season all for safety reasons so there are no blind spots.

Funny enough I was more of a Red Bull fan until 2021 and switched to Mercedes on the basis of how they were being treated by the FIA. I have not seen a sporting team been treated in such a way due to how successful they had been. Imagine changing the rules in other sports to try and handicap that successful team or individual. That in my book is a new way of legalized cheating because the rules determine what happens next.


Tiger Woods due to his immense distance of the tee had golf course change their yardages. Golf balls were looked at to try and shorten his game, the 2015 Rugby World Cup deflated the pressure in the rugby ball to prevent teams with long distance kickers having an advantage. Thee are all examples of the nonsense that happens when a team or a group of individuals is successful and this is harming sport. Another sport where we see manipulation is the Tour De France as the route will be changed each year to try and prevent a certain rider dominating the sport unless he is French. For instance a team Time Trial may or may not happen or certain mountain stages will be removed or added.

The underlying truth and reality is the sports bodies making these decisions want to see closer competition with no one person or team dominating the sport. This is good apparently for the television audience as closer contests means more interest and more revenue to be made through commercials and selling rights.

I can recall my days as a rugby referee getting the new amendments to the rules at the start of each season. I have to be honest what went through my mind first was which country would benefit from these amendments as this is normally the right assumption.

Not much can change in football and I think a good step would be to take the time out of the referees control and stop the clock for injuries and substitutes. The 90 minutes will be played and everyone would know where they stand with no foul duggery happening with the clock. Saying that with what the officials have done with VAR maybe this is not such a good idea. This system works well in rugby and maybe not in football, but what the main point is they don't change the rules each season. The rules are there and they ain't going to change.

Thankfully next Formula One season the car specs and regulations remain the same which bodes well for Mercedes as they can rebuild and get back to the top of the pile. It takes two or three seasons to find your feet when you have had the heart of your technology ripped from under you like they have. I expect them to be more competitive next year and possibly winning the constructors title. maybe not the drivers Championship as that still may be 2 years away, but they will be back.

What is that saying "Cheaters never prosper" and at the moment they are and the sporting world is half asleep to the skullduggery taking place.

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