World Cup 22, Japan vs. Kroatien & Brasilien vs. Südkorea


Heute 2 weitere Achtelfinalspiele bei der WM in Quatar.

Today 2 more round of 16 games at the World Cup in Quatar.

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Japan spielt gegen Kroatien. Japan bis ins Achtelfinale vorgestossen,aber jetzt ist Schluß.Ich tippe 1:2.

Japan plays against Croatia. Japan advanced to the round of 16, but now it's over. I'm betting 1:2.

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Brasilien spielt gegen Südkorea. Ich sehe keine Chance für die Mannschaft aus Südkorea gegen einen der großen Favoriten auf den Titel. Ich tippe 3:0.

Brazil plays South Korea. I don't see a chance for the South Korean team against one of the big favorites for the title. I bet 3:0.

Funny matches @all
Best regards & Glück auf


All favour to the side of Brazil. However, football is not easily predicted sometimes as change and shock is part of the game.

Yet I still give a win to Brazil

Brazil much better than South Korea in this match and the Victory is ok. Now we will see whats the matter when the opponent is stronger.
Best regards

I have to commend Japan they went toe to toe with Croatia and almost won the match but in the end, they lost out by penalty. They made the tournament interesting and glad to have watched them play.