Car without a phone charger? (Problem solved)

I do not know if this is a problem that only happened to me, but since the need to charge my phone on the road in my Kia Picanto arose a little annoying inconvenience was generated, of course, is not to exaggerate, but frankly it was not something easy to solve taking into account the little time I had available to devote to this matter. As you well know, in most cars, especially in the old ones, there are cigarette cases which obviously serve to light cigarettes, this device is usually where USB adapters are placed to charge phones.

The thing is that the Kia Picanto that I have does not have anything even similar, I looked everywhere to find to my surprise that there is no such port and in that sense I would have to improvise something. Something that worried me was the fact that I did not want to open holes in the dashboard since it is in perfect condition, I also did not want the USB port to be loose and adrift, so I had to consult with an electrician friend for advice on the matter. My friend was surprised to know that the car did not have the cigarette case as even newer cars have them, but it was then that he recommended me a USB adapter that is mostly used in motorcycles to solve the problem.


So I purchased this product which in principle looks pretty generic, it only cost $5 and would allow me to connect up to two phones. It has a 12v power supply which is exactly what I needed.





Now, this product is usually used in motorcycles adapted to the steering wheel of the same, so it comes with the bases made for that purpose, but for a car this base is not practical at all. So we had to figure out how to install it somewhere in the car that was close to the dashboard, but without causing damage. Well, in the central module, where the gearshift is, exactly where the cup holders go, there was a small hole, it was there from the moment I bought the car. So, we decided that we would take advantage of that hole to enlarge it and install the phone charger.





I'm not going to lie, I would have preferred it to be in a cleaner place, but the truth is that we couldn't find any other place. However, it was perfectly installed and operational. I don't regret losing the cup holder space because I don't really use it, so in that sense I was able to solve a big little problem that wasted an entire afternoon.

And tell me, would you have done it in a different way, I would like to know your opinion. greetings!


-Used tools:

- Photo with: Samsung Galaxy A32
- Translator: DeepL Translate



I had to look at the pictures several times to understand that the cup holder is very low, so I understand that it is a bit uncomfortable, but it certainly looked great Bro, in fact I am as surprised as you are by the lack of the charging port. Sometimes those little details take time, but you were able to fix it and it really doesn't look bad aesthetically and how nice that this new car is already getting more love, because it is very cool 🙌😀💛. A big hug brother and successes and blessings for this week that begins 🙏❤️... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥🚗📱❤️

Yes, we definitely had to improvise to solve this problem which, although it seems simple, caused me a lot of discomfort. We did the best we could. Thanks for your support!