 last year  

Excellent field for research! According to the original announcement post, we will get six essences, one for each splinter. Magical plots will be incredibly important for crafting items and spells. We do know very little so far but the general prospect for magical plots is mind blowing. Pretty under-whelming in 1.5 though,as Secret reserach will give no immediate benefit. I suspect less than 10% of the total PP going into Secret research Preatoria-wide.

50% grain, 40% sps mining and 10% secret research?

 last year  

Sounds like a probable distribution. We will always need more grain than we can put into SPS, unless the value of SPS grows drastically. I guess the ratio will depend on how valuable your PP are in SPS and Grain on the market. After the first month of 1.5 we will have a much better understanding. Until then I will farm a large surplus of grain.