Fantastic writeup. I picked up one of the triple packs and some boosters when they were on sale from Exode.
I did the evacuation, and haven't touched the game since. There's a lot of potential there so I hope something comes of it.
Fantastic writeup. I picked up one of the triple packs and some boosters when they were on sale from Exode.
I did the evacuation, and haven't touched the game since. There's a lot of potential there so I hope something comes of it.
If you got that far along maybe try the Phase Two: Colonization Pass and see if you can get an NFT planet.
I'll have to try that. I don't think I remember doing Phase Two.
Stay tuned in! The away teams challenge is going to open up again soon and after that is the colonization challenge!
Awesome. I'll keep my eyes open.😁