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RE: Harmonic Balance

in 1UP2 years ago

How often do you get to Diamond, I seem to Gold II as my average place now.
Congrats on RS level 75 I am still on 58 and you seem to have a good amount of skill, and you say you need more!


Doing the skill lessons is the quickest way to gain level I think. So need to get to Level 80 to really open the game up more then can probably focus on missions that pay better. My base collection power is for Gold 2 also, so within the first half of season I am kinda stuck there because I don't push too hard but once my ranking hits gold 1 it benefits me to rent because the power you get per focus chest is much higher but it does not benefit me to rent for diamond even if I have the ranking. I have also been playing my bronze account and it can feel like it would probably be best to split my main account into 2 or so silver ones but that is just work so I play the bronze and this season not renting as much to push through to Gold 1 quickly just slowly getting there. I try do a basic 10 chests per day but once I hit Gold 1 that is so much simpler.

Okay so skill up to get upto level 80 that sounds good advice, thanks for that!
My base is still silver so need to add some power to be gold, I did rent last season and got to Diamond but was not worth it so won't be doing that again.
How do you din playing two accounts, does it take too much time?