Blacklisting in the sense referred to here is not censoring. It's a way a user can put a warning beside an account's name, to remind themselves (and potentially others, if they opt-in to use your blacklist) that interactions with that account should be handled with care.
Truthfully, blacklisting is probably the wrong word to describe what this feature does, but it's the existing name that's been used for the centralized version of this feature, so I continued to use it for continuity purposes.
I got the point, but again don't you think it can be a misuse where if without a warning (which used to happen) people will be adding someone on blacklist
These new lists just allow someone to say they don't trust this set of people. They can then try to convince other people to accept their judgement.
But there's no coercion in any of this: it's an exchange of information and each user makes his own decision about the reliability of that info.