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RE: Proposal: reduce Hive inflation by reducing curation rewards

in Hive Improvement4 years ago

I'm not a fan of change for the sake of change, and I know many that enjoy curation, but I do think that curation is too deterministic, which is what encourages autovoting and exploitation. I would like to see a randomness factor, a curator lottery in essence, where it's not the first voters who get more highly rewarded, but a random voter. For example, as votes come in a curator lottery pool gets created, and at the time of payout, an RNG determines which voter or voters receive a proportional bonus reward based upon voter position. The 'lottery' winner position could get the maximum bonus, while adjacent voters could get a smaller share of the pool. I think this might force people to vote on posts not as positional snipers, but posts with a better vote distribution, which tend to be higher quality posts.


Yap, if we change this, we could see some solutions for auto voting. Those 5mins curation window and who gets to curate first is killing the whole point of manual curation.

A similar, but less gamified suggestion, was to spread rewards evenly between voters during the first two hours to put manual voters on a more even footing with the vote bots.

It's a good idea. Let several spots be "lottery" and the rest can follow normal calculations.