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RE: KOIN Mining: Frequently Asked Questions

in Koinos4 years ago (edited)

A note for those running the GUI on Windows, it will hog all your CPU power because its processes are set to Normal priority. This will slow down your other computer activities, even moving the mouse! The solution is to set the priority to Low.

A few of ways to do it:

  • Task Manager
    Oening the Task Manager, go to the Details tab, find the process names "Koinos Miner.exe" and "koinos_miner.exe", then right-click on each of them, Set priority, Low.
  • PowerShell
    You can easily do that with a PowerShell prompt with these two commands:
Get-WmiObject Win32_process -filter 'name = "koinos_miner.exe"' | foreach-object { $_.SetPriority(64) }
Get-WmiObject Win32_process -filter 'name = "koinos miner.exe"' | foreach-object { $_.SetPriority(64) }

SetPriority(64) means Low.

  • In command prompt (or batch file)
wmic process where name="koinos miner.exe" CALL setpriority 64
wmic process where name="koinos_miner.exe" CALL setpriority 64

More on changing priority here


if you set the priority to low how much does it impact the hash rate, does it decrease it a lot?

Doesn't impact at all. In fact, I'm using a couple less cores on my linux machines (I like to keep some cores free for other things) and surprisingly the hash rate remains roughly the same.

Thanks for the reply.

If I try running a browser with the miner on win 7 hash rate drops off a by probably 25% but at a max, I'm only getting something like 1.7 MH/s anyway.

Setting the priority to low didn't help speed up other processes for me so I disabled one of the cores and it helped.


Looks like you have an old CPU, 1.7MH/s with 4 cores is pretty low, maybe that's why it's rushing that much. I have my Windows on an i5-9400F and it's on average around 6MH/s with all 6 cores (Low priority too).

Yep you're right, my laptop is old enough with i5-5200U processor. Probably better to buy koin than mine for me anyway

Yes I think it's the best solution, there are some huge miners scooping most of the coins, hard to compete with them when we're doing a few MH/s while they're doing GH/s!

I've noticed in Windows that reduces it by about 50%

It depends, if you have other processes using a lot of CPU then yes the hashrate will decrease. But if you're not doing heavy activities, your cores should all be at 100% even with low priority.

Great suggestion. Thanks for helping out

Thanks for the reminders!