
I remember growing up, the visiting fair was the highlight of the spring, taken on a friday night by my parents, I still recall how big and busy it was carousels and stuff, freshly made candy floss whipped on a stick in front of you.

Now one turns up in our town half a dozen rides pre made candy floss in a bag, hardly any visitors.

Sign of the times

Ours have all closed down some very old standing annual events have gone as well, now parents wonder why children are glued to cellphones 24/7!

Yup, phones i pads and playstations are taking over

Nothing can beat real living, the way we used to do!

Out from dawn til dusk, no stranger danger, no worries, no technology, just a football and jumpers for goal posts.

Football or Cricket on tar road outside was enough to cause an uproar with friends. Never had strange dangers back then....

isn't it great to be a baby boomer!!!