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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: Mr Stein's Place

in Urban Exploration3 years ago

Guy had classy Digs, looks like a great place to have a nose about. Glad you noticed the floor, I've forgotten to watch where my feet were going once, and once only. Still smarts sometimes to this day. Bloody rotten floorboards.


I've forgotten to watch where my feet were going once, and once only.

One day it might happen to me. I am very careful on upper floors and haven't even had a close shave as yet.

I'm alot more careful these days, something about going from the attic to the living room in 4 seconds with a brief stop in the master bedroom made me much more aware of the footing 🤣 funny thing was they didn't even have an elevator...

My last explore was alot more fun just because it was mostly at ground floor level.

Not to.mention the light was great. Still waiting on my led light before I do another dark place. Mostly cause the photos turn out shit.

Thanks for taking us along