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RE: Walk on the Edge of the Ancient and the Modern - Exploring a new District, its Architecture and Green Areas

Thanks for your answer, it would be a pleasure meeting you, I'm in France in Charente. The quality of your posts threads and content even if you say your photos aren't that whatever to me they are remarkable as well as the texts and translations, enjoyable, interesting, captivating and inspirational on the layout and the pictures.. and the impartiality has to do with domination we believe and many things as destroying another when one cant and call it a competition, when justice has two speeds with degenerated people, craziness isnt where its shown and seeing what is done to people by mafias by pervert mafias domination is just another income way used highly in China and allover and with kids.. so i wont participate on dominations thread you started because horror and satanism exists where even god is a tool to us. anyway best+ to you and your close ones and do take care, we'll catch up one of these days I sincerely hope.