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RE: Travelgirl’s Harusame Noodle Soup Review | Travelgirl 試食 - 博多即食湯面

in HIVE CN 中文社区4 years ago

I have just eaten this! Holy fk it was spicy xD



That is not spicy at all haha I think the samyang one is spicier.

Damn! It tasted really for me haha :p

this is something I can't stand and probably you won't :D


I guess not, I am not the best with spicys :p
I just found the other one in a thai market :D

wakakaka I've seen this one before on some Korean show .... yes i wouldn't try that either


hahahaha I think to make it less spicier is to add only half of the paste and add more water. It's really delicious though ^^

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oooooo i can't eat that with the full soup packet cos its too spicy. I only put like half in and its already too much for me


Yes! Not only me thinking its spicy haha.
I did force myself to eat it all + the soup xD

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