New South Wales COVID19 Cases Rising | 紐省 COVID19 疫情情況開始變壞

Hi Everyone / 大家好,

This weekend has been an interesting one. As we are still enjoying some freedom outside with social distance in place, the situation in Victoria is not getting better, in fact New South Wales have more confirmed cases popping up from the Casula pub venue. This is very concerning for us in Sydney as we don’t want to go back to lockdown and possible home schooling as what the Victorian government has announced. It is something we are dreading and it may be here sooner than expected.

今個週末有點不一樣因為雖然我們可以在外面做以往做的事但因為維省的疫情情況繼續變壞,而我們紐省的情況漸漸變差所以我覺得我們紐省會有機會再封成.悉尼有一間酒吧在 Casula 已經有九名確診個案而我相信會有更多人已經受感染但還沒有知道.

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As of today, there are 9 active cases linked to the pub in Casula and have asked anyone who has visited between July 3rd to 10th should get tested and isolate to be sure. Casula is a busy area and anyone could have stopped there on their way to Canberra depending which highway you take. These people who visited the pub during this time may have caught the virus and walking around doing their usual business without knowing they have the virus themselves.

Casula 有一間酒吧裡已經有九個人確診而政府叫附近居民或到過這間酒吧的人盡快去驗有沒有 COVID19. Casula 是一個非常之繁忙的地方因為如果去堪培拉看你走那一條高速公路會有機會在這區休息或買一點東西.在7月3號到10號這段期間到過這間酒吧的人可能不知道已經被感染所以希望他們這段期間都沒有傳染病毒給接觸過的人.

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The NSW government have warned that they will not be shy putting down a second lockdown if required to save lives. These next 14 days will be crucial and important to those in NSW. Deep down I think the virus is back to haunt us and another lockdown is near. I won’t be stocking up on food as we have learnt from the first time, our supermarket chains are well stocked and I have all the necessities for the next few weeks if we need to stay at home. I have all the toilet paper, pasta, rice, oats etc but I am lacking in some meat which I may look into getting some in case things turn for the worse. Fingers cross all goes well and we won’t have many cases the next 2 weeks or else it will be a very interesting period for us all.

紐省政府幾個星期前已經有提過如果有什麼病毒傳播和類似的情況會有機會在封城. 未來的14天會是最關鍵的時間希望受感染的人沒有增加.現時我沒有太過擔心家裡的食物儲全因為上次的經驗讓我知道我們澳洲的食物非常之充足不需要太擔心.家裡已經有足夠的廁所紙,粉,米,麥皮等等. 如果真的要買東西就要買一點肉類因為我們家吃飯的時候都喜歡食肉所以會買一些做儲備. 未來兩個禮拜我相信很多人都會留意受感染的數量而會按照澳洲政府的指示需不需要再躲在家裡一段時間.


animation by @catwomanteresa

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Looking at Melbourne's experience, I think it's pretty much inevitable that it'll sweep through major cities at some point. The whole point was to slow the spread, rather than stopping it.
In hindsight, the elderly and otherwise vulnerable should've been isolated, and the rest of us invited to go about our lives; since we're going to get it any way.

Yes its a matter of slowing things down rather than stopping it. Looking back on what has been done to get where we are at is pretty slack from the VIC end and some poor decisions made. It has sped things up for the rest of the country with NSW being hit first and really we should have closed the border and continue to do so like some states.


I hope everything goes well. These kinds of measures or announcements lead to nervous shopping, but it's better to stay calm. I wish you were well and so do yours.

Yes especially the numbers are rising every day it does make everyone nervous. Keep safe :)


So are you. A hug.

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Hopefully things turn out better as lockdown really makes things stay still in many ways. !BEER

Fingers crossed hoping things will die down. Stay safe :)


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