Reject Shops Sells Tesco Products | Reject Shop 開始賣 Tesco 雜貨

Hi Everyone/ 大家好·,

I have read on our paper recently that a discount store called “Reject Shop” will be sell projects from Tesco. Tesco is a grocery story in the UK and those who live in the UK or have visited will know what Tesco is. It was pretty exciting news that a discount store here are importing goods from an overseas supermarket and guarantee that the prices will be competitive. I don’t have a Reject Shop where I live and during my stay here in Bathurst (Yes I am here!), I finally go to visit one and saw some pretty good items.

最近在網上看見我們一家店 Reject Shop 開始賣英國超市牌子 Tesco 一些雜貨. Tesco 是一家英國牌的超市,相信在英國的朋友不會對這個牌子陌生. 對我們家庭主婦來講其實是一個好消息,可以買到外國的產品但用一個便宜的價錢來買. 我家附近沒有一家 Reject Store 所以今次來到 Bathurst, 我就趕快去看看有什麼好東西.


As I walked in, we can clearly see the whole store with signage to let their customers know there are stock from Tesco. The range was pretty amazing from rice, tea, canned food to snacks. You can’t expect he whole store moved over but its a great start to this new partnership and getting imported good.

已經去我看到很大的廣告告訴客人有 Tesco 產品. 這裡的種類很豐富,有米,罐頭, 茶,零食等等. 雖然只有一點東西但是一個好開始. 對我們現在不可以去旅行的人來講,可以買到外國的東西已經很好.




We ended up getting some Tesco nappies which Baby M needs overnight. We’re going to try it out. At $10 a packet, it is the similar price to local supermarket brands so lets give it a go.

最後我們買了一包 Tesco 尿片給 Baby M 試試好不好. 剛剛才發現這包的尿片是德國做的,$10 這個價錢真的不錯.



animation by @catwomanteresa

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