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RE: My University Experience: How i Was Robbed in Broad Day Light.

in Speak Peace3 years ago

Lol, Your rap was funny. Why didn't you add introducing yourself to the tags?

Many people won't see your introduction sha.

You could try editing your work to add introduction and introducing yourself...

I'm glad you're figuring things out and even all by yourself but if you want to make your presence better felt you can read other posts and ask me questions.


Thanks Man..would do so now.

also, look at other people's posts in the community to find what they are tagging...then also try and make more friends. Hive is about building social no know who go invest $1000 for Hive so just make friends.

You have a lot of potential in the chess community. Go there and reblog, reply, upvote, and mention people...they will follow you, and following you means that they will see your work whenever they are online.

Best of luck dude...I still dey with you sha.