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RE: Hive Open Mic Week #106: Ride The Chariots + Swing Low, Sweet Chariot MASHUP-Cover by @Peaq(ENG-ESP)

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

hahha, 14 days would be a bit too much?
well, as one friends always says, time is relative, so yes, 14 or 6 or 5 as now, all is good 😅😇

Yay, so new concert(s) will come and you learning new solos by Handel!!

Thas is nice, as that way we don't stop learning and improving 🥂


hahha, 14 days would be a bit too much?

I totally agree but life happens sometimes.

Yay, so new concert(s) will come and you learning new solos by Handel!!

I am so thrilled about it.

Thas is nice, as that way we don't stop learning and improving 🥂

Learning is a life-long process!

Learning is a life-long process!

It is!! 👍