Hive Open mic Week 248 | Cover "Remamos"

in Hive Open Mic23 days ago

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Hive Open mic Week 248

Un cordial saludo a toda la comunidad de Hive, estamos en la semana número 248 y la temática propuesta es paso a paso. Tenía varias opciones en mente cuando pensaba sobre el tema, pero justo escuché una canción que creo que va perfecto para esta semana.

Tuve que aprenderla y no fué difícil el proceso porque la canción se me quedó clavada en el corazón, es de esas que al principio no puedes cantar sin que se te quiebre la voz porque es un reflejo de experiencias personales, todos tenemos una historia con altibajos, porque así es la vida, con días maravillosos y con otros realmente tristes que jamás quisiéramos haber vivido.

Conocí esta canción gracias a los días difíciles que vivimos en mi país por las protestas de las pasadas elecciones y vaya que es como anillo al dedo por todas las cosas que hemos tenido que vivir a lo largo de estos años. Me encantó la última frase del coro porque aunque la narrativa es triste por toda la carga pesada del pasado y que aún podemos arrastrar en el presente, la canción da una luz de esperanza y dice "Soñando que al otro lado, se avecina otro comienzo"

No importa lo difícil, lo complicado o la oscuro que pueda volverse el camino para poder ver la luz al final del túnel, debemos tener esperanzas y confiar que Dios nos guiará hasta el final.

Agradezco el tiempo que han dedicado en escucharme, espero que les guste nuestra interpretación.Nos vemos pronto



A warm greeting to all the Hive community, we are in week number 248 and the proposed theme is step by step. I had several options in mind when I was thinking about the theme, but I just heard a song that I think is perfect for this week.

I had to learn it and the process was not difficult because the song stuck in my heart, it is one of those songs that at first you can't sing without breaking your voice because it is a reflection of personal experiences, we all have a story with ups and downs, because that's life, with wonderful days and with other really sad days that we would never want to have lived.

I got to know this song thanks to the difficult days we lived through in my country due to the protests of the last elections and it is like a ring to my finger for all the things we have had to live through during these years. I loved the last line of the chorus because although the narrative is sad because of all the heavy burden of the past that we can still carry in the present, the song gives a light of hope and says ‘Dreaming that on the other side, another beginning is coming’.

No matter how difficult, complicated or dark the road may become to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we must have hope and trust that God will guide us to the end.

I appreciate the time you have taken to listen to me, I hope you like our interpretation, I'll see you soon.

Compositor: Kany García
Álbum: Contra el viento

Herramientas usadas / Used tools

  • Portada y banner creados en Canva /Cover and banner created in Canva
  • Fotos y video tomadas de mi Redmi note 12/Photos and video taken from my Redmi note 12
  • Video editado en el programa capcut/Video edited in the capcut program
  • Traducción/Translation Fuente


▶️ 3Speak


I have always thought this is one of the most beautiful songs ever written, and boy does it sound sublime in your voice and with your guitar playing. Bravo, great job my friend!...

Thank you Jesus, you don't know how many times my voice broke while I was practising it, those lyrics are so true that it is impossible not to feel that they were written from the deepest pain...
A hug my friend.

Ok I first of all will comment on your smile on the picture, what a beautiful smile you have there and I will surely check on you on 3speak

Oh how sweet, thank you for those, nice to know that my photo motivated you to listen to me.
Thank you

I so much love this entry of yours and i think i will love to have a song collaboration with you one day soon if you don't mind ☺️☺️

Thank you thank you, of course of course I would love to share with you sometime.
I'll keep my eyes open

No problem, you can actually pick a Spanish song we can work on and see more of music

Hi Mirel, this is very sing with so much passion and I always feel the emotions every time you sing. It's always a pleasure listening to you. You're one of my favourites here, keep making music 🤍.

Wow, this is really nice, I am very grateful for your words.
It is so important for me to know that the music I make touches people's hearts.

The song you just sang is beautiful and so tounching,l love it.

Wow @mirel0510 the passion you put it place and the energy is wonderful and touching i love your entry share more.

Yes, since I heard it the first time I was shocked, I'm happy that you liked it.

Thanks for your time to listen, I'm sure I'll continue to share music here.

Aww this is so beautiful ❤️. I love how you sing with so much emotions. Thanks for sharing 👏

The most important thing is to feel the emotions.
A hug

Wow that's great, @mirel0510 you sang well and it is so beautiful I love your choice of song keep it up and thanks for sharing.

It makes me happy to read your comment, thank you for appreciating, the song is very beautiful and full of hope too.

Wow, lovely presentation and I really congratulate you for this ma. Thank for sharing

I am grateful to you for listening and for your words.