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RE: Hive Open mic week 173 'The Way We Were'

in Hive Open Mic10 months ago

Lovely. My better half is a big Streisand (aka Babs) fan and saw her when she performed in London some years ago. I did not go, but it was an expensive show for back then. It seems prices for big shows are higher these days.

I really enjoyed your songs last night. Desperado brings back memories of you playing it with Glenn. He did love the Eagles.



Thank you Steve. It's the only one of hers that I do, but I love her singing. I like the fact that you can hear all the lyrics so clearly..she has great diction.

Glenn did love to sing Desperado with my piano accompaniment. For a while after he died, I just couldn't play it.

I really enjoyed it last night. It is a great venue.

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